For Christmas have offered to bring a salad to an event but it's changed from lunch to brunch. I usually do a spinach salad with brie, cherry tomatoes, spring onions, avo, capsicum, browned cranberry/pinenut/pumpkin seed mix, and whatever else I feel like, with a dressing. Always get good comments. But have been asked to bring something a bit more 'brunch' style instead. Meats are provided so don't want to do meat and cheese croissants etc. cereal, yoghurts etc and dessert also provided. Ideas would be great - have looked through some other threads but most are more dinner or lunch type foods. Thanks.
Bring a plate to brunch where all the meat and carbs is provided is a bit tricky!
What about a potato frittata? They can be eaten warm or at room temp and go down a treat. If you keep it to onions, garlic, potato and don't turn it in to a full on vege one it would do the trick I reckon. Julie Buiso has a great one.
Nov 30, 9:37pm
If you make either of these I want an invite too! ;-)
Just editing to add that the agave can be subbed with honey. it's there as a healthier way to achieve a touch of sweetness.
Nov 30, 10:44pm
Thanks very much for the suggestions. You are right awoftam, it is tricky - it's a situation where myself and a couple others are refusing to be 'guests' any longer - usually we are told to bring nothing, and all is provided but it feels wrong not to contribute. Christmas politics! Love the frittata idea, haven't seen Julie Buiso's version so will check that out. Also found a couple 'salad on a stick' type ideas that seem more like brunch style. sampa, those salads look AMAZING, will definitely use the tomato/avo one at some point if I don't use it on Christmas - the fruit one would cost too much for me at the mo, but have saved it anyway, thanks heaps!
Dec 1, 2:36am
A bit late for your lunch today, I know. I made Annabel Langbein's walnut salad as a side for our lunch today, and it was just lovely, I've put the link below. She made it in her program last night.
Dec 1, 3:28am
All I can say is. bacon.
Dec 1, 4:01am
what's the molasses thing, did you use that?
Dec 1, 4:13am
It's a fruit syrup made from pomegranate juice so not really molasses. I didn't have any so I used some balsamic glaze that had instead. Checked it out on google and going by the bottle, I'm sure I've seen it at Binn Inn so will check next time I'm there as it's such a nice salad.
Dec 1, 6:34am
I make a tasty bacon and egg salad - basically quartered hard boiled eggs, bacon cooked until crisp and crumbled - served on a bed of spinach with lemon aioli - simple but very tasty
Dec 1, 4:49pm
What about a fruit platter? or Fruit Kebabs?
Dec 1, 6:17pm
I would still take the spinach salad
Dec 1, 6:46pm
Pomegranate molasses is gorgeous and worth having around to try with different things. My latest is using it as part of a marinade to brush onto a leg of lamb cooking on the BBQ spit - never seen lamb so glossy and tempting looking and it tastes fantastic. My original use of it revolved around pear slices topped with prosciutto, gorgonzola and a walnut then drizzled with the pomegranate sauce. Also very yum.
This is where I bought mine although I'm sure it's available from a number of places.
I think the salad you were going to make will be fine - spinach, tomato, avocado all can be eaten at brunch time
Dec 2, 7:22am
Good idea.
Dec 2, 7:23am
I would too, it sounds very nice indeed.
Dec 2, 7:28am
nauru, I have seen Pomegranate Molasses at both our local (Christchurch) New World and Bin Inn - it was around $2.00 cheaper at New World however I intend to look for, and hopefully buy, a bottle at an Indian shop/supermarket where I understand that it is likely to be even cheaper.
Hope that helps. :-))
Dec 3, 6:03am
Thanks 245sam, that's a great help, will look around next time I'm in town. Yes, the Indian supermarkets are usually a lot cheaper for many things too. I always buy my crystalised ginger there (local Moshims), way cheaper than anywhere else.
Dec 3, 6:35am
and if everyone else are taking lunch things they will need a salad to go with everything
Dec 3, 7:01am
Bring a $25 jar of mayo.
Dec 4, 6:50pm
Thanks again, popped back onto here and great to see so many suggestions (good for others in the same boat too). Love that my spinach salad is considered a viable option still :) Nauru, it's for Christmas day so not too late, will hunt out that pomegranate stuff as it sounds amazing.
Dec 7, 12:31am
I bought the Pomegranate molasses yesterday @ Davis Trading in Palmy, it was $8. I made the AL walnut salad again using the molasses in the dressing, it was superb, well worth lashing out $8 for the molasses.
Dec 7, 7:01pm
Found another one with a "Christmasy vibe" that might be of use to someone -
Bit different, maybe something to have a bit later with some wine and cheese.
Dec 7, 7:21pm
I'm sure I saw a pomegranate dressing at Palmers yesterday. I actually tasted the fruit last summer, loved the crunchy bits! and have found a tree at Palmers, but they are frost tender.
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