How do you make saveloy soup?

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uli, Feb 19, 2:52am
Unfortunately I never was a "normal" German child - so instead of sweets or cakes I ate a big piece of sourdough bread when in a restaurant or cafe with lots of ham, salami, tartare sauce and gherkins on top :)

Sometimes I like a piece of Black Forest Gateaux with lots of cream - about 3 times a year . otherwise it has always been salads and lots of meat and some good bread for me.

Yes a nice apple strudel is great with vanilla sauce - again once every 5 months or so :)

nik12, Feb 19, 5:05am
Um seriously though, I know of someone who grew up in a foster home. the 'parents' ate the sav's and they got the soup with a bit of bread.
I'm betting their are still kids out there who's tea is sav soup!

kaddiew, Feb 19, 2:24pm
Not to mention fried left over spuds on toast & vegemite. A childhood breakfast 'treat' still enjoyed occasionally.

kay141, Feb 19, 2:41pm
That explains a lot.

uli, Feb 19, 9:07pm
Please do elaborate - I always love learning something new about myself.

clevercloggs, Feb 19, 9:47pm
.!Not me uli.

rainrain1, Feb 19, 10:45pm
Jeez Wayne, look what you've started

uli, Feb 20, 2:00am
kay141 wrote: That explains a lot.
And then QUIET LOL :)

clevercloggs - I am happy to hear that "butties" are not everyday fare at your house :)

samanya, Feb 20, 2:08am
Maybe it was this!
"Unfortunately I never was a "normal" German child".

vaughan37, Feb 20, 2:20am
dont take the piss,sav soup, see kids turning up for school this was there tea the night before,how sad a time we live in

uli, Feb 20, 2:22am
Could you tell me (the "sad" German kid) what sav soup is!
I have never heard about it.

samanya, Feb 20, 3:27am
saveloy soup is the water in which the savs are cooked.

kay141, Feb 20, 1:17pm
That was it. I thought how sad not to have had a normal childhood.
Uli, I'm sorry I didn't answer quick enough for you but some of us have a life outside TM.

uli, Feb 20, 5:01pm
Kay I am glad you feel for me - must be the the first time ever aye!

But never mind - I am not feeling deprived of frilly pink frocks and lots of sweets in my childhood. In fact I was always glad I didn't have to wear that sort of stuff.

And I am happy to hear that you have a life outside TM - it puts things into perspective does it not!