Slice question

pom4, Mar 7, 3:57am
I have to make a slice for work tomorrow. I made a ginger slice recipe a few months ago that was real nice and have decided to make it again. I remember it was hard to cut into slices without it all falling apart. Is it best to cut it while still warm or slice it after it has chilled in the fridge. I want it to look fantastic

245sam, Mar 7, 4:00am
pom4, IMO it would be best to cut the slice while it's still warm, then leave it in the baking tin until it's cold.Unless they're unbaked slices I never refrigerate slices, at all.:-))

pastel29, Mar 7, 4:01am
If it was hard to cut when cold, I would try cutting it when it is warm.Otherwise try dipping the knife in hot water before cutting.

lodgelocum, Mar 7, 4:04am
I think my recipe says to cut when still warm, impossible to cut when cold.I love ginger crunch.

pom4, Mar 7, 4:05am
Its like a ginger crunch but has a soft bottom - yum

pom4, Mar 7, 6:11am
ok ive just put the base in the oven and read the recipe it says ice when cold, so is it ok to cut it when warm then ice it when cold, will that work!

pom4, Mar 7, 7:42am
all made, worked real well thanks for everyone's help

lodgelocum, Mar 7, 7:44am
Great, enjoy it.