Sour cream, soured cream

chickybabe4, Feb 13, 9:00pm
please don't laught at me.are they the same thing!

uli, Feb 13, 9:03pm
Not necessarily.

Sour cream is cream which had a starter added to make it sour and thicken - like yoghurt.

Soured cream can be anything from cream with added lemon juice or vinegar added, sometimes people think they can re-create buttermilk like that.

chickybabe4, Feb 13, 9:09pm
hmm, so can you buy soured cream from the supermarket! im looking at some recipies for a birthday party next week and most have soured cream in them

uli, Feb 13, 9:13pm
I would simply buy sour cream.
Where do your recipes originate from!
It may just been another English dialect (American or Australian maybe!)

chickybabe4, Feb 13, 9:19pm
one is in a nigella book so british and two others are in a book called suagr which says it's from the UK as well :)

uli, Feb 13, 9:23pm
So that could be the difference.
Try out our sour cream and see how you go.

If it turns out to be too stiff (not enough liquids) then use buttermilk next time.

chickybabe4, Feb 13, 9:26pm
awesome will do. thankyou!

harrislucinda, Feb 13, 9:29pm
tomesourcreamiswhatyou canbuyAn thesouredsoundslikeyoudo ityourselfasaboveby addinglemonjuiceorvinegarbut thenthelattermakesbuttermilk

tinkagirl, Feb 13, 10:03pm
You CAN create buttermilk this way but I do it with milk, cream is too expensive to waste like that unless you want to get rid of it and put it into scones

pickles7, Feb 13, 10:15pm
You are making, Whey.
uli. is making buttermilk.

uli, Feb 14, 2:08am
tinkagirl - I am always amazed why people on here insist that you can make buttermilk with vinegar. The reality is it is NOT buttermilk if you do that.

However it is a soured milk and maybe if you simply use it for baking it might work for whatever recipe you might want to try.

It will definitely NOT taste anything like buttermilk - but yeah - go for it if you think it is good enough for your purpose - but then you might never have tasted REAL buttermilk - so you wouldn't know aye!

uli, Feb 14, 2:08am
Why would anyone want to "get rid of cream"!
And why would anyone make scones!

uli, Feb 14, 2:13am
chickybabe4 - why would we laugh at you!
It is a perfectly good question to ask!

cookiebarrel, Feb 14, 6:15am
Just went to Wikipedia to check that I was right in thinking buttermilk was the milk left over from making butter and see that there are two kinds.traditional buttermilk made as above and also cultered buttermilk.So now I have a question if I may.what is the taste difference, if any, like between the two kinds of buttermilk!

pickles7, Feb 14, 11:37am
Now you know how whey is made.

dezzie, Feb 14, 12:05pm
Whey is leftover from making cheese, buttermilk is leftover from making butter, they both look and taste totally different.

pickles7, Feb 14, 12:20pm
I could not help noticing Bin Inn had a huge lot of cheese making kits. They have been moved to the back of the store as well, I don't think cheese making has taken off that well. I wonder, were people being leftwhey and, no edible cheese. Milk the price it is could be very off putting, for a lot.

chickybabe4, Feb 14, 1:54pm
lol because I know next to nothing when it comes to kitchen things!

guest, Apr 2, 6:13am
cup cocoa 1 tsp binakg soda 1/2 tsp binakg powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 cup buttermilk (I always make my own with this recipe, so easy!) 1/2 cup coffee, cooled (I used decaf) 1/4 cup