I think my FF is on its way out, freezer will not maintain its temperature.Has anyone bought one recently - pleased with it - or not!Cheers
Jan 5, 1:35am
We bought a Bosch. Tried looking for model number but cant see it. Quite a large fridge freezer, was significantly cheaper than the other larger FFers, but we have been more than happy with it. My only complaint would be the wierd sounds it makes, but i think i've got used to them and dont hear them/notice them anymore, they are completely normal apparently
Jan 5, 2:35am
Recent Samsung vertical FF no problems, frost free, digital read out
Jan 5, 3:20am
Don't entertain a Samsung, we had the one we bought tested and tested and tested and tested some more. We were treated like idiots until a telegraph cucumber froze in the veg. compartment. Yep I told them where they could shove it. We took delivery of a new fridge the very next day. Not the fridge but the lack of service, turned me into Trash, lol. I was not very quiet about it, as the problems started day one and continued on for about six weeks. We did not get a replacement, we opted to get another make.
Jan 5, 3:28am
We also bought a Bosch because it had the smallest freezer and the biggest fridge as we also have a chest freezer so the freezer in the house is only used for leftovers and open bags of frozen veg.I haven't noticed it making any strange noises though and my mum had one for about 20 years with no problems at all.It's this one but ours is white.I didn't want a side-by-side because the space we have isn't big enough and also because the width of the fridge is too narrow for a decent sized platter, etc.
I thought we were going to have to get a new FF, as freezer just wasn't freezing. I gave it a reeeeally good defrost and clean and it is working fine again! :) We have friends who bought a FF and were offered a great price on a white one.they didn't really want white as it didn't match their kitchen but didn't want to turn down a great bargain. So what they did is buy two glass mirror panels to fit the door size and stuck them to the doors. It looks amazing! I never noticed it until pointed out, but it reflects the room, appearing to make it bigger, and is much smarter than white or stainless steel (IMO). Just something to think about :)
Jan 5, 7:25pm
Many thanks, this one is a Bosch - 17 years old and was brought from the UK.It will probably be replaced by another Bosch but FFs are something I never think to look at (until I need one!) and wondered if anyone had other recommendations.
The glass mirror panels is a fantastic idea unicstudent.
Jan 5, 7:40pm
I love my new Mitsubishi C375C. Fridge door at the top. vege drawer then freezer draw. With icemaker.
Jan 5, 8:15pm
Do you find the vege drawer good chicco2! - I was looking at the Mitsubishi with a Humidity Drawer yesterday.
Jan 5, 8:49pm
I have an Elba by F&P.Bought it in January sales 3 years ago, it had been $1300 and I got it for $995. Runs like it should; perfectly.
Jan 6, 9:00am
Thank you firemansgirl - I will have a look for that - very reasonable price.
Jan 6, 9:27am
We have the same, works well but I find the shelves really flimsy and annoying.Love the ice on hand all the time though and the vege drawer.
Jan 6, 11:50am
Snap!Mine has been getting lots of admiration from Christmas visitors.
Jan 6, 7:09pm
we have aMitsubishi as well, but just a FF. the fridge is really big with glass shelves, with a large door shelve that fits a 3 litre milk bottle
Jan 6, 7:45pm
Is the vege drawer good on the Mitsi!I have never had one with a humidity drawer.
Jan 6, 8:24pm
We have the same. Had it for about 10 years with no problems at all. Would buy another mitsubishi if we needed a new one.
Jan 6, 8:24pm
We have the same. Had it for about 10 years with no problems at all. Would buy another mitsubishi if we needed a new one.
nfh - the vegie drawer is great, it is huge and keeps veges really well. Ours also has a chiller drawer (inside the fridge, not seperate) and that is great for any extra veges, trifles, ham etc.
Jan 6, 8:33pm
Thank you biggles - I will definitely go and have a look at that.
Jan 7, 6:07am
We have the 3 drawer mitzi 415 as well and would definitely advise going to that size as well. We are only 2 people and fill it up quite easily.The bottom freezer is token size really ,, to keep thing readily at hand. and we also have a huge upright freezer.
Jan 7, 7:49am
I have this one on recommendation from from brother who fixes (and not fixes not sells lol) appliances.I paid about $1200 at Bond and Bond. remember to haggle!
Jan 7, 7:54am
Looks like the Mitsi is very popular - since I started this thread mine is behaving!But am going to have a look around so I am ready next time it plays up.Thanks everyone.
Jan 24, 1:37am
Agree wouldn't buy a Samsung again finally got a replacement one after two years of them trying to fix it had service people refuse to fix they replaced almost every replaceable part meanwhile i had to borrow a fridge All under warranty had to deal with shop where purchased, warranty company and company myself they would fix then within a few days would have the same problem fridge warm. new one same issue but of course out of the 1 year warranty they give on replacement
Jan 24, 2:23am
You have a 7 year consumer guarantee. If an appliance stuffs out in the 7 year period, and the manufacturers cannot supply a part, they have to replace your appliance. It was this way, just unsure if things have changed in the last year. Pity you didn't have a frozen telegraph cucumber, the fellow I dealt with was not amused and dealt to me with a knew fridge to be delivered the next day. The other customers had a giggle.
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