Cooked rice

nanof5, Dec 25, 9:04pm
I have a recipe that has "1/2 cup of long grain rice, cooked - does that mean half a cup of rice BEFOREit is cooked or after. Thank you:)

pickles7, Dec 25, 9:13pm
what are you making !

nanof5, Dec 25, 9:17pm
It is a corn, bacon & courgette slice, Has eggs and cheese in it. I have cooked the rice using 1/2 cup before cooking but wanted to check if that is correct. Don't have to start cooking it for an hour or so - so hope someone can come up with the answer. :)

pickles7, Dec 25, 9:25pm
It sounds like a person who made up the recipe had a 1/2 cup of cooked rice to use up. I would use pasta over rice with the other ingredients you mention myself.Uncooked rice will take ages to cook and take up too much liquid.

nanof5, Dec 25, 9:30pm
Hmmmm - it is a recipe from the Woman's Day - I would have thought if they meant 1/2 already cooked rice - they would have put "1/2 cup cooked rice" rather than "1/2 cup rice , cooked. :)

pickles7, Dec 25, 9:35pm
Maybe its a 1/2 cup of rice, you will need to cook for the recipe.

vintagekitty, Dec 25, 9:36pm
I think uncooked, as I have baked something similar and like you say, it would say 1/2 cup cooked rice, rather than 1/2 cup rice, cooked. It's all in the ,,,,,,,,'s!

nanof5, Dec 25, 9:37pm
That is what I think too. I have a back up plan if that doesn't work out. Will see how it goes. Thank you for your input.:)

pickles7, Dec 25, 9:53pm
The amount of liquid, and the cooking time will determine the answer.

nanof5, Dec 25, 9:58pm
The only liquid is 5 eggs - in the picture it looks quite "ricey".:)

uli, Dec 26, 12:05am
It means exactly what you wrote above:
"1/2 cup of long grain rice, cooked" - can't see your problem really!

chevcamaro, Dec 26, 3:22am
santa did it

davidt4, Dec 26, 4:00am
Take half a cup of raw long grain rice, cook it, use in the recipe.It seems plain to me.Half a cup will give you about one and a quarter cups of cooked rice (depending on the variety), and in most of those kinds of recipes the quantity of rice isn't critical anyway.