Crystallized strawberry truffle?

scout_6001, Dec 3, 8:23pm
I went to a party last week and had a white chocolate truffle, in the centre it had a crystallized strawberry or rasperry, does anyone have the recipe for this or something similar!Thanks.

red2, Dec 3, 8:37pm
you can buy dried strawberries at Nosh and Farro - maybe thats what it was !

scout_6001, Dec 3, 9:44pm
Thanks Red2

griffo4, Dec 4, 12:29am
was the truffles made out of white chocolate and something else or were they coated in white chocolate!
l am sure someone will come up with a recipe with a bit more info

scout_6001, Dec 4, 12:56am
They were coated in white chocolate, the centre was pale too, so I imagine it was cream cheese, not sure though.they had a crunchy texture, then this crystallized strawberry in the center.I've googled it, but with no luck.Got to love Trademe, usually someone comes through with an answer:)

nauru, Dec 4, 12:58am
Dried strawberries are available in NW or PnS bulk foods.

nauru, Dec 4, 12:58am
Dried strawberries are available in NW or PnS bulk foods
I found this recipe which you may be able to adapt if you cant find anything else

scout_6001, Dec 4, 1:12am
Thanks nauru, that gives me something to work with.

griffo4, Dec 4, 3:44pm
They sound seriously nice so hope someone comes up with a recipe l have the strawberries in the cupboard to make up another recipe but will have some spare to do this recipe
l suppose you can't ask the person who made them for the recipe!

puresteam, Dec 4, 3:55pm
I brought some from new world and boy they are beautiful white light and dark chocolate withdried strawberry inside. They are on special this week

griffo4, Dec 4, 5:37pm
Scout do you think there was some sort of crushed up nuts like macadamia in there as well!
Normally you can taste the cream cheese flavour as well

griffo4, Dec 4, 5:44pm
l found this after a search and it could be a good base and then cover with another lot of white choc as well