Stack of recipes?!

wheelz, Nov 10, 9:17pm
How come our posts on this MB end up in there!

elliehen, Nov 10, 9:22pm
Because someone decided it would be a good way to make money, Chef wheelz ;)

wheelz, Nov 10, 9:35pm
So where's mycomission cheque!

timetable, Nov 10, 9:39pm
been going on for years now and nothing anyone can do. has gotten a heap of backs up hence why i dont post in here anymore.

2603962, Nov 10, 10:49pm
Is there a message board cook book - sorry I dont come on here much so dont know

vampiriousmist, Nov 10, 11:54pm
Interesting Lol . Im surprised they didnt chnage my name though hahaha I am Chef_ Vampiriousmist

vampiriousmist, Nov 10, 11:56pm
Hi 2603962 If you google stacks of recipes, it comes up with a website, where every single one of the TM recipes message boards posts are . . .

nfh1, Nov 11, 2:02am
Why does it make you not want to post!

carlosjackal, Nov 11, 2:41am
Well, who would thought anyone would go to such lengths!! Unbelievable!

cmjbp, Nov 11, 2:47am
Really!Does this mean all posters are nearly 'world famous'!

I just had a look.Very much like the old Vote Me Not.That got shut down by TradeMe, I think (it is shut down anyway)

wheelz, Nov 11, 4:09am
So, who runs it! Some one from in here!