I have been given some rhubarb and thought I might try making some jam.Recipes on the internet seem to often use chopped nuts.Why!Also, they seem to require a water bath boil after putting in hot jars. I have never done this before. I found an easy recipe that I might try 3C chpd small rhubarb 2 1/2 C sugar 1/2 C water 1 pkt red jelly crystals. Do you more experienced cooks think this would be OK! Thanks for your help
Nov 9, 2:38am
cmjbp, I can't really see any need for the water bath and I have certainly never done that. The recipe you have posted looks as though it would work out well.
Nov 9, 3:39am
have made the above recipe and its really nice! can recommend it
Nov 9, 4:04am
Thanks people!I shall set forth with confidence, now.
Nov 9, 4:54am
Jam is cooked and in the jars. I cant believe how easy it is to make jam!Wish I knew this years ago lol
Nov 9, 5:21am
Usually jam is set with pectin, rather than with jelly crystals which is gelatin and can spoil easily. As you have used quite a lot of sugar I think this will keep for a while.
Nevertheless I would keep an eye on the jam and use it quickly. Also when opening the jars keep them in the fridge.
Nov 9, 5:30am
OOOh I remember sitting in grans kitchen watching her do the whole boil after filling in hot jars thing - it is secondary sterilisation. Bit like what you do (or maybe not in nz) with tomato sauce (watties style home made). You have to use the trivet (or whatever it is called to make sure the jars are not sitting on the bottom of the pot). Usually used where you don't use preservatives or enough sugar (or no lemon juice/citric acid/ less sugar/pectin stock/pectin powder). I made lovely rhubarb and vanilla bean jam earlier this year and I posted here. It was devine! I posted a recipe for home made pectin stock on here too search <<<<< <
Nov 9, 5:35am
Thanks for the tips, uli.
Nov 9, 5:44am
I just looked at the home made pectin. Thanks for the idea, that is a bit too much like complicated cooking for me lol
Nov 9, 6:08am
ok. pectin powder instead. you can buy it in many places it will set any jam even without sugar ;)
So, are you saying I could have or should have used the jam setting mix instead of the jelly crystals!The jam is made now.Im hoping it will be OK.
Nov 9, 8:49am
Would you mind listing the whole receipe plz. How long to boil etc . How many jars does this make. Thanks would love to make this.
Nov 9, 8:54am
I got the recipe from the internet.I found I boiled it longer than it said to, but here it is as I copied it down.
3C chpd small rhubarb 2 1/2 C sugar 1/2 C water (may not seem enough but it is) 1 pkt red jelly crystals Put water and fruit into pot, stir continuously, boil until soft. (4 mins) Add sugar, boil, stirring until dissolved (about 2 mins). Turn off heat, pour in jelly, stir until dissolved. Pour into jars. Made 3 jars when I did it this afternoon. Havnt tried it yet lol
Nov 9, 8:59am
Thanks for that will give it a go. Cheers.
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