Weight watchers

candice6, Oct 24, 9:49am
i just want to say weight watcher is the best and safest way to loose it

kirstyd, Oct 24, 6:55pm
Well I found eating less and exercising more was best. (and cheaper)

And others will say low carb is best. Its what works for you.
If it works, then great. Its the best for your life style and what you can maintain.

lodgelocum, Oct 24, 7:19pm
Both work for me, its just getting my mindset right, ww gives you all food groups which is great, but just sometimes you need a quick start which is where low carb works good.Each to their own.

sherrie, Oct 24, 8:16pm
Weightwatchers is g8 for me!I have lost 18kgs since Feb and I feel g8! Slowly but surely!

falconhell2002, Oct 26, 7:11am
As of last night 14.9kgs off with ww for me.Really really pleased with how its going.