Sabato appears to have it for sale online, currently out of stock. But maybe it's permanently out of stock!
Dec 28, 9:19pm
Oh, thanks for that.I did try Sabato ages ago but might call in again next year.
Dec 28, 9:19pm
Oh, thanks for that.I did try Sabato ages ago but might call in again next year.
(edited to add) How silly of me - I have a friend who is in Madrid right this minute - I'll ask him to send me some.I assume it won't be classed as a biosecurity risk.
Dec 28, 9:41pm
You should be fine - but you never know!
Dec 28, 9:41pm
Commercially packed and labelled spices are ok.
Feb 15, 7:40pm
No spoilers for those watching it later.
The right decision although they were all very good.
Feb 15, 8:30pm
The right decision for me too.Like Greg, I would eat that person's food every day for the rest of my life.
I thought the portions were all very big, especially the first courses and Steve's and Claire's desserts.Maybe they were plating for two!
Feb 15, 11:16pm
I think that Steve improved most during the programme.
Feb 15, 11:29pm
Just sitting down to watch it now. Thanks for avoiding spoilers!
Feb 16, 5:14pm
The winner makes me want to eat food I don't even like :)
Feb 16, 5:55pm
Are we allowed to mention names yet, do you think! I've got the winner's cookbook sitting here and I'd like to quote something Michel Roux Jr wrote in the foreword.
Feb 16, 5:58pm
no, that would be cruel.
Feb 16, 6:07pm
Okay Cooks, we'll give it another couple of days.
Feb 16, 6:16pm
You're a honey. Not that it bothers me as I dont watch it.
Feb 16, 6:26pm
That's funny! It's screened at such a strange time of day that it's only fair to give others a chance to catch up. Must say, I'm looking forward to the next series starting.
Feb 16, 9:14pm
Dazz I was wondering about that cookbook! I was going to ask you if you knew anything about it. I haven't seen any reviews of it except on Amazon, and those can be a bit suspect. Go ahead and do your blog, I think enough time has passed! A whole year, in fact since this was the 2011 competition!
Feb 16, 9:17pm
Tomorrow I'll post the comment Michel made. I quite like the book. Has a definite focus and I like that it starts with a Basics section. I might do a review. I would think it'd be a good one to get out of the library, unless you were really in to that style of cooking - wink, wink!
Feb 17, 8:26pm
Beware spoiler.
The final screened 2 days ago so if you still haven't watched it, leave this thread now!
I won't mention names but it'll be obvious to anyone who was following the series. The foreword to the winner's book is written by Michel Roux Jr. He says "the first time I heard about (the winner) was through a text message from Monica Galetti, my trusty Kiwi sous chef and co-host from Masterchef The Professionals. The text was short, to the point and with a touch of humour. It read: "I think we have a winner; shame he's a bloody Aussie!" Up until then most of her daily texts to fill me in on how the skills tests were progressing were not very positive." He goes on to say - "By the time we got to the final week the stress of the competition was starting to tell on ***** and at times (he/she) was doubled over with pain brought on from anguish, nerves and lack of sleep.(he/she) is what I would call a chef's chef." I must say that the stress wasn't immediately obvious to me except when this person cooked for the 35 top chefs.
Feb 22, 3:37pm
The competition is over but Michel Roux Jr does a masterclass today and next Saturday - about 1.40 I think. And I don't the 2012 series won't be screening after next week.
Feb 22, 4:42pm
Eh!( I hope you mean that the 2012 series won't be screening for at least a week, because our recorder is away being repaired)
Feb 22, 5:06pm
Sorry about that garbled sentence - I was dashing out to cut the hedge!
DT4 - I haven't seen any evidence of the 2012 series being scheduled. Just today's and next Saturday's masterclasses and then my TV Guide says "final" (which it is of this 2011 series). I hope it does continue into the 2012 series but who knows what TV1 will do!! Anyway, it'll be nice to see JRJr doing some cooking.
Feb 24, 6:59pm
I have just heard from TVNZ that they have passed up on the opportunity to screen the latest series 5. B****r!
Feb 24, 7:04pm
Oh what a disappointment.I wonder if there is a DVD of it - I'll have a look at the library site.
edited to add:Can't see a DVD anywhere, neither the library nor Amazon.
Feb 24, 7:12pm
And we can't watch it direct from the BBC website either. Crazy, as it's the best cooking programme out there right now.
Feb 24, 8:17pm
Yes, and my London friends' DVD recorder is broken, so I can't even press them to record it for me.Damn.
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