If I mash my dying bananas and put them in zip lock bags in the freezer can they be revived and be able to be used in muffins and cakes! Or should I freeze them with skins on!
Oct 22, 1:34am
Either way works fine. I just put the whole thing in the freezer. The skin goes black but inside is fine. Great for baking!
Oct 22, 1:37am
Peel and whizz from frozen = instant banana icecream.
Oct 22, 1:53am
I mash mine before freeing all the time, much easier to use rather than peeling then mashing, just tip out of the bag and into the bowl.
Oct 22, 2:11am
If I'm mashing and then freezing I usually freeze them in 1 cup portions as most recipes seem to require 1 cup of mashed banana.The smallest sized Glad containers, or similar, are useful for this.
Oct 22, 2:44am
I have frozen with skin on - works great I have frozen with skin off - works great too I have frozen mashed - works great too but some discolouration.
So depends what you want to do with them upon defrosting.
I often use one in a smoothie and throw it in frozen - so for me the peeled frozen version works the best.
Oct 22, 2:46am
i freeze them whole (skin off) rather than mashed.
Mashed means that they discolour while defrosted. whole means minimal discolouring
Oct 22, 5:43am
I just peel and break into pieces, freeze in a bag and like uli, throw one frozen into a smoothie.
Oct 22, 6:40am
peel then freeze whole. It's very hard to peel a frozen banana if you want it still frozen for in smoothies or banana daiquiris.
Oct 22, 7:10am
Peel,shove a icecream stick up it,cover in melted choc,roll in chopped nuts or your choice of coating then freeze on baking paper till frozen then transfer into containor. Absoutley divine and lasts ages when eating too. Yummy
Oct 22, 7:26am
omg that sounds like heaven.
Oct 23, 2:54am
"shove a ice cream stick up it" lol :)
Sounds good though!
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