Recipe for Ginger Biscults to have with cheese?

darkestangel1, Oct 11, 6:21am
Haven't ever heard about this before - but if you have any comments, suggestions or recipes I am interested in hearing them - thanks!

auntie6, Oct 11, 2:21pm
Google Donna Hays Pear Waffers- they are great.My new fav to serve up with a cheese platter and especially yum with blue cheese.The recipe says 15 mins each side but i usually cook for 20.they need to start going quite brown before you take them out.Also make sure you line a baking tray with plenty of baking paper to make the cleaning up easier:)

geldof, Oct 11, 3:01pm
Sounded interesting so I goggled and found this.
I might try it over the weekend.
American recipe and I would use mixed spice in place of the pumpkin pie mix.

kaz445, Oct 11, 11:31pm
I have used a gingerbread loaf, cut fairly thinly, carefully baked til crisp.Let cool and eaten with slices of fresh pear and blue cheese - YUMMM!

macac, Oct 16, 2:24am
I had some wonderful, thin, sweetish ,crisp, shard type biscuits that came with a cheese board. Anyone have a recipe! Please.