How retro do you want to go! I have a great set of recipe cards from 1962 and they are fascinating but a lot of the food looks disgusting! Mind you, the recipe for brandy fruit punch was AMAZING and went down a treat at my friend's sixties party a few months ago.
Oct 15, 2:53am
Was thinking devilled eggs, Cheerios, sausage rolls, lamingtons, jelly pies, fondue, cheese n pineapple stick etc
Oct 15, 2:55am
Asparagus rolls, sausage rolls, white pickled onions with pineapple and cheese cubes on toothpicks stuck in half an orange, club sammies . . .
Oct 15, 3:09pm
Fondue oil or cheese, prawn cocktail, vol au vents, mini toad in hole, quiche Lorraine, bloody Mary's, sausages on sticks, pickled onion and cheese on sticks, black forest gateau, anything in aspic.stuffed tomatoes, celery sticks filled with cheese.
My mum (in UK) used to do 'avocado pears' (as they were called then) with prawns in a sort of pink mayonnaise when she had posh dinner parties and she often used to do for dessert a pineapple cheesecake made with cottage cheese and cream cheese. It was very nice. This was in 1970s
Nov 5, 2:13pm
Luncheon meat rolled up with mashed potato (flavoured if you like)in between.I can remember these were at every church luncheon we had to go to as children.
Nov 5, 4:25pm
The pink mayonnaise is a mixture of Mayonnaise, unsweetened whipped cream to lighten it a bit, a dash of hot pepper sauce and a little tomato sauce.
Nov 5, 6:00pm
Have a look here: Weight Watchers (USA) recipe cards from the 1970s. Might give you some ideas, and good for a laugh!
Nov 5, 7:08pm
That's fantastic.It's a pity the blogger didn't write out the recipes instead of the lame comments though.
Nov 5, 7:15pm
That's exactly what I thought. I would have loved to see some of the recipes. So I did a bit of Googling, out of interest, and some of them turned up here:
Nov 5, 7:15pm
cheese on toast cut into fingers, you can make them with vegemite, onion, relish etc,,,
Nov 5, 7:46pm
Some of them look so disgusting! Brilliant link Cloudberry.
Nov 5, 8:07pm
Fabulous!Frankfurter Spectacular is my favourite already, especially the Dramatic Service version.
Nov 5, 8:12pm
Hmm, if I got given that for a party I wouldn't be too pleased. Why not just make him all his favourite things!
Nov 5, 8:38pm
Perhaps the idea was that the food is so revolting that you lose weight through being unable to eat it.The Liver Pate's appearance is not describable on a family messageboard.
This is all too much!I think that has to take this week's prize.
Nov 5, 9:29pm
What a pity Heston didn't see this!
Nov 5, 9:44pm
Ellie, that is totally one of my all-time favourites. And to think it's a New Zealand book! My fave is the banana candle. Once seen, never forgotten. Unfortunately. Still available (used) from Amazon.
Nov 5, 10:27pm
I owned a copy once but let one of my children take it for a joke gift to a mate :)It's so hard to believe that it was ever a serious cookbook!
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