Can you free MUSSELS once steamed open?

darlingmole, Sep 26, 10:47pm
Thought I'd better ask this before I do and later give the family food poisoning

mottly, Sep 26, 10:49pm
sure - you mean take the mussel's out of the shell after they've steamed!

buddynz1, Sep 26, 10:51pm
sure be sure to clean all the beard off first ,once steamed just use a blunt knife and run it around the inside of the stuck mussel ,and it will come free, just looks nicer the trying to pull it out,,be sure to discard any that are open before you stem them as they will be bad ,,as long as all closed when you put in pot to steam you will not give them food poisoning :-)

darlingmole, Sep 26, 10:54pm
no way - the last time I "shucked" a mussel was the night before Mothers day and I got a really BAD one and was incredibley ill for 3 days!I steam them open these days but have bought too many and wondering if I can put them in the freezer for another time!

lodgelocum, Sep 26, 10:56pm
Do you mean freeze, not free as in your title!

darlingmole, Sep 26, 11:18pm
typo . yes I meant FREEZE

lodgelocum, Sep 27, 12:02am
Yes, you can FREEZE them for another time, but I would use within three months.

buddynz1, Sep 27, 3:16am
LOL sorry misunderstanding

scuba, Sep 27, 5:08am
not necessarily, musselsin a cold stateandnot in water sometimes relax and open - i tapthem with a knife and see if they close before discarding.