Doothers recall these in all the old 'homemaker'/ 'household economics' books of yesteryear!
At the moment, I'm bogged down with the most horrid cold.What are your favourite 'I'm feeling sorry for myself' type recipes, for sick and miserable persons!
Sep 30, 4:42pm
Me too! I've been eating easy things to digest but that also have protein in them. Poached eggs on toast, smoothie, avocado spread & chicken & corn soup.
Sep 30, 5:32pm
My mother used to make me eggnog.Not the highly alcoholic Christmas drink,but made with a cupful of hot milk, an egg, a teaspoonful of honey, nutmeg or cinnamon, all beaten together with an eggbeater.It was delicious and very comforting.
Sep 30, 5:37pm
I heard that a good swig of Whisky and lemon is good for a cold but please don't take me seriously.Look after yourself. Rest up and keep warm.
Sep 30, 8:15pm
It's a preventative not a cure - just take a swig every hour or so to keep colds and the flu at bay.
Sep 30, 9:41pm
Oh yes, those sound like all comforting and wholesome ideas.I remember eggs in all shapes and forms, liver, and chicken broth were all staples of the invalids' recipe section.
Sep 30, 9:43pm
That sounds delicious.A dash of brandy, with that mix, might not hurt on a less abstemious day.
Sep 30, 9:46pm
I've heard of lemon honey but the whisky sounds like a bonus!However I'm not much of a drinker at the best of times, so fuggy headed as I am, I'll probably bypass the alcohol suggestions for today.
Thanks kindly for your advice - I'm bundled up in front of a heater at the moment.Ended up having left over roast chicken, with salad in pita bread - hardly invalid's fare, but it was good all the same!
The above link is the "Recipes for Invalids" section of Mrs Beeton's Household Management.
It's an amusing read.Going by a few of the recommended drinks, I think Mrs. Beeton was of the persuasion that if you're going to die of the Consumption anyway, well you might as well be sozzled.
Edit: Bluurk: well browned toast soaked in water :-/
Oct 2, 3:01am
Soup of any description (the cup a soups that only have two in the packet, like roast chicken are delicious) and cheese rolls. Or even just good old cheese on toast with relish :-) Can you tell I like cheese lol,
Oct 2, 3:40am
Chicken soup definitely. Boil up a carcass or fresh frames say 2 with onion, carrot and celery for about an hour and a half. Strain and add any other veges with plenty of salt and pepper. There is something in the resulting broth that is really good for colds and helps to open up the airways. I make this for my kids when they are sick which thankfully is not very often.
Oct 2, 3:58am
Agree wholeheartedly, always make this when we are sick with a cold
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