I've been looking through my mothers really old Aunty Daisy recipe book, and some of the biscuit recipes ask for Vi-Max. Does anybody know what this is?
Apr 18, 1:17am
According to another foodie forum, it is like finely ground oatmeal. They suggest that using Flemings fine rolled oats would fulfill the same pupose. Does that make sense in the context of the recipe ? :-)
Apr 18, 1:20am
hasnt been around for ages. another form of weet-bix - crush up! !
Apr 18, 1:38am
Sorry - not thinking straight - Vita Brits is the Weet-bix look alike! ! . Vi Max was a type of porridge in 3 different amount of courseness. Think they still make some porridges like it - check your s/market shelfHappy Baking
Apr 18, 1:52am
Cool thanks. Yes does make sense in the context of the recipe. Was trying to figure out what it was, thought it might be like marmite or something, LOL.
Googling brought up some interesting results! Thanks guys.
Some really interesting recipes in this old book, sat in bed last night and read it. One biscuit recipe had a teaspoon of ammonia in it!
Apr 18, 1:58am
was a type of porridge oats with added vitamins. either just substitue flour or rolled oats but use the soft ones not the wholegrain ones. I usually substitute plain flour for vi-max the fruit squares are nice, and yes some funny ingredients in some of them. Be careful if using the recipes with honey in them as often the amount of honey is way too much.
Apr 18, 3:34am
I used to love it but it hasn't been available for years.
Apr 18, 4:31am
I thought Vi-Max was wheatgerm... my grandmother used to sprinkle it on everything.
Apr 18, 4:49am
Vi max was a fine porridge, apparently no longer made but ex vi max manufacturers said to put porridge oats in blender/whizz to get the same fine consistency.
Apr 18, 4:56am
There was a recipe for swan in it. It's like "after plucking the swan". LOL. And some recipes just say cook, and that's it. No temperature or how long. And others are "light the fire".
Must have been hard to cook things in the oven back in those days! How would you know what temperature the oven is, if you've got to light the fire.
Apr 18, 5:06am
There were ways... pioneers using a coal range used to throw a handful of flour on a hot oven tray and judge the oven temperature according to how long the flour took to go brown.
Apr 18, 5:12am
Creamota would be the equivalent I think. Still available too.
I too have a recipe for cooking swan... . Swan Casserole LOLI don't think so... I collect swan ornaments and have swans tattooed over my left breast... love them.
Apr 18, 5:48am
Swan & Pukako made beautiful casseroles, wish I could find someone that would supply me with either. Can't get around to good now to get my own, but mentioned it in case, there is a kind shooter out there this shooting season. You will be well rewarded, barter system of course.
Apr 18, 7:20am
I learn't to cook on a wood range and never used electric until I was 15 and then still had a wood range. It is still in use as my brother and wife now live in the house. Some of the ovens did have temperature gauges but one soon learnt how to judge the temperature required for the type of baking by the heat given off by the stove or the oven handle. Different types of wood burnt hotter than others .
Apr 29, 7:19am
Vibran by Flemings used to be available untila few years ago- I used it for muffins, it was a baking bran. I googled vimax and believe me, you wouldn't want THAT in your baking... well, your husband might love it LOL
Apr 29, 8:47am
he he I was brought uo in a house that only had a coal range as the cooker. When I married and moved into my own home I had an electric stove and had no idea how to use it. lol
P. S. Vi-Max and Creamota were fine porriges and similar. I am trying to find some Creamota as I really like it. I think they were wheat based not oats but would like to know for sure. V
Apr 29, 11:25am
rog. eCreamOTA sounds a bit more oaty than wheaty ;)
Mar 17, 5:17pm
I am just a bit dunb posting the wheat idea! Thanks for correction lliehen . V
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