and yeah anyway i need water without chlorine in it, Usually i boil and then let it cool. Can I just let it sit for 24 hours at room temp and then the chlorine will evaporate!
Sep 6, 8:33am
When we were temporarily chlorinated in Christchurch they said to let it sit in a fridge for a few hours and the chlorine would dissipate. I used a Brita filter jug which seemed to have the same effect.
Sep 6, 8:45am
angel404, do you need the unchlorinated water for cheese making! A few months ago I attended a cheesemaking workshop where the importance of using unchlorinated water was stressed and we were told to use either store-bought water or cooled boiled water.
Hope that helps.:-))
Sep 6, 9:05am
I didn't find leaving it in the fridge worked, I could still taste the chlorine. The brita jugs work well though.
Sep 6, 9:16am
Have to admit I never tried leaving it in the fridge myself and just went straight for the Brita, which I have used in other cities where the tap water was always treated. Treated water is horrible. It was so wonderful when they were finally able to take the chlorine out again and we were back to the good untreated stuff here :-)
Sep 6, 9:35am
This lot is for kombucha but yep for cheese making as well! Its such a pain having to boil up a huge pot and then wait for it to cool. Guess ill just have to keep boiling it! I keep meaning to get a plumber to install the filter i bought for our main water line but its like $400! lol
Hey angel, with the amount of water you will be using for your healthy food endeavours I would suggest that you try and collect rain water somehow.I had a friend who lived in town for a short period of time who got a pipe off the roof into a big tank and then used that for drinking.The chemicals in the water actually kill the good bugs in your gut.So lots of fermented foods will be good but using 'clean'water for this is crucial.
Sep 7, 5:13am
Yeah it is just for the brine. Thanks vmax will consider that - but not in this house coz the roof paint is peeling off.ew! Thats why id rather filter our current water!
Sep 7, 5:38am
You need unchlorinated water to dissolve the rennet tablets, as chlorine will reduce the rennet's ability to gel the milk.I use cooled boiled water from the kettle, and I keep a bottle of distilled water in case I forget to boil the kettle.I make brine from the whey.
Sep 7, 9:44am
dontuserennettabletsmineisvegliguidbrought from thenthislandbetterthatrencostuff
Sep 7, 9:57am
How is it better! In what way!
Sep 8, 4:13am
I went to a Kathryn Mowbray cheesemaking course and she always used vegetarian rennet. But she didn't use it because it was better. She used it because large numbers of people eat her cheese and some are vegetarians. She didn't imply that one was better than the other. She is very skilled at what she does
Here is what she says about rennet:
"Rennet is an enzyme from a calf's stomach - which causes the milk to set.
Vegetarian coagulant or Modulaise is an extract manufactured from moulds and fungi. It has a verysimilar coagulating action to rennet. Modulaise is generally used for vegetarian and kosher products".
Sep 8, 4:19am
To answer your first question. Installing water filters is not hard and doesn't require a plumber. My DH has installed one in every house we have ever lived in. It is a 15min job. Do you not have a useful male with some tools (most important to have tools) in your family that you can ask to do it for you!
Remember to record when it was first installed so you can replace the actual filter (not the casing) at the appropriate time. Most are every year. Microlene filters are changed every 3 years. The last filter we bought for our Microlene filter has to be replaced every 2nd year because it wasn't a Microlene one but cost-wise it worked out the same anyway.
Sep 8, 5:17am
hasmade afirmercurds
Sep 8, 5:25am
The rennet I use is Renco from the supermarket.Don't have any problems with curds.Done this for several years now.
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