This is a great thread. helps weed out the good from the bad in plain labels.
Jan 26, 11:57pm
Homebrand beetroot in the large tins is just like old fashioned home preserved. I only buy this brand now and use a lot of Homebrand products. The only Pams product we like is their Tartare sauce, don't like anything else of theirs or Budget brand,it is just that, budget. I do buy the Pams dark choc chips simply cos they don't have animal product in them and my daughter and her husband are vegans so I know if I have Pams I can use them when they are here. Homebrand cling wrap is the best wrap to buy.
Jan 27, 1:41am
Cadbury's cocoa is awful - very pale.Can't seem to buy Signature cocoa anymore, so use Nestles baking cocoa.Homebrand icing sugar is gritty.
Jan 27, 1:45am
Budget tinned tomatoes are great, they are the only brand of tinned tomatoes I'll buy.
When it comes to sugar, flour, soda water (NOT other soft drinks though), butter (not margerine) I will buy whatever is cheapest on the day I go.It's amazing the people who go past the Chelsea right to the Pams without doing a price check first - often the Chelsea is on special and cheaper than the Pams.
Jan 27, 3:51am
I buy Homebrand cling wrap too in the big 300 metre box, way cheaper to buy that way. Farmerz1 - The Homebrand cocoa is the best, much better than the signature range one.
Jan 27, 4:41am
Another vote for homebrand cocoa here too, would never go back now. I buy two packs at a time in case they're out of stock when I run out. We also prefer budget baked beans, but can't stand the spaghetti strangely. Budget chopped tomatoes are good too. I tried to make royal icing with homebrand icing sugar once, disastrous, far too gritty. Pams is ok though. Was reading over in pets that the cheap pet shampoo is really good - smells good and seems to stop itching - I think they said it was called 'doggy wash' or something, I might give it a go too.
Feb 1, 9:43pm
Homebrand baked beans are the best,.also their their breakfast marmalade.and Signature Soya Linseed loaf.better and cheaper than Vogels
Feb 1, 11:15pm
Pams sweet chilli sauce is beautiful
Feb 2, 12:23am
A friend of mine tole me the same thing just this week
Feb 2, 12:52am
Where I work we always bought Pams Granulated Coffee until someone decided to buy those catering size tins of Moccona.Well we all could not wait to get back to good old Pams, didn't like the taste let alone the scum marks around the cups, and everyone is happy again!
Feb 2, 1:27am
I always buy the large cans of HB peaches, they are really nice and good value for money
Feb 2, 9:43pm
On this note do not buy the really cheap cling film either.terrible to work with, its like chewing gum !
Feb 2, 10:09pm
silly question perhaps, but do you dilute/fill up the rest of spray bottle with water!
another +1 for budget tinned tomatoes.I read on here a few years ago a post from an Italian chef who recommended them as the best and have bought Budget brand toms ever since. Great value and as good as any other more expensive brand
Feb 2, 11:24pm
On Food lovers a few years back, Helen had to tell us that the company that makes gladwrap were not happy we were using the brand name eg cover the bowl with gladwrap, instead we had to use cling film, ie cover the bowl with clingfilm.I now buy Home brand and it's pretty good.
Feb 3, 6:36am
Homebrand cocoa - fabulous quality and gluten free (bourneville add wheat flour to theirs) Homebrand freeze dreid coffee is fine.Homebrand honey poppa cereals taste identical to UK Sugar Puffs (not good for you but sometimes.!) Pams ziplock bags better than glad bags. HOmebrand ptomotoe paste in the jar is brilliant quality for cooking sauces etc. Most of their bagged biscuits are as good as Arnotts.
Feb 3, 7:51am
Homebrand Mayo is really quite bad. I now spend the extra $ and buy the Heinz. it is so good. Homebrand peanut butter is the best( same as Delish brand I believe), and homebrand hazlenut spread tastes fine, but whenI went to use mine today after it sitting for about a month in the pantry it had seperated out a bit and was really oily. Oh and a quick tip, tomato paste I now always buy the one in the tube (like toothpaste) it seems to keep really really well in the fridge, doesnt ever go mouldy no matter how long you keep it for, so no wastage
Feb 3, 8:39am
Sanitarium are certainly not the only place that does this! Bread is one great example! The Countdown 'snob value' add is so true! Try mixing your favouite Coffee with special blend or something similar.helps the budget and no one has commented that my coffee tastes different!
Feb 3, 6:32pm
Better to avoid supermarkets altogether for a lot of things. Baking paper, tinfoil etc, bulk buy from catering supplies. Loo paper 40 rolls $10 Warehouse, washing powder, 5kg $13 warehouse. Soy sauce $1 l, asian shops. Milk Green valley, 2 x 2L $5.50. And so on.
Feb 3, 7:06pm
I noticed at one stage that one expensive brand of pineapple (Dole!) had distinctive blue teartabs.The cheap brand (it was probably Pams) had the same tabs.I now look at cans carefully to note similarities.
Feb 3, 7:08pm
There is Pams tomato paste in tubes.Larger tubes than the other brands and a great buy.
Feb 3, 7:30pm
I had this exact craving when pregnant. Almost never had it before and never since. I always thought there must be some nutrient in it I needed. What though, no idea!
Feb 27, 11:29pm
I find this tomato paste goes 'off' very quickly even in the fridge
Feb 28, 3:21am
We switched to Pams instant coffee about three years ago - we found themajor brands all had a bittertaste which wedisliked -Pams can be quite cheap - we stock up when it's on special. Most people don't know how to make a decent cup on instant coffee.You put some milk in acup, warm it in the microwave for 25 seconds - add ateaspoon of coffee - stir for a few seconds- add hot water. The warm milkgets all the coffee oils out of the instant coffee and it tastes much nicer.
Feb 28, 4:43am
buy some little snaplock bags and freeze what you can't use
Feb 28, 5:52am
I second this!
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