Help pls Makin ice cream what does half an half

happs1, Jul 2, 7:57pm
I dont understand what I need for half andhalf . I coped and pasted below and read form the web site and I still dont get it. Do I mix one cup of milk and one cup of cream! Or do I buy butter milk and double whipped cream! Im so confused lol. Thank you inadvance for any help:~)

2 cups (480 ml) half-and-half cream (a mixture of cream and whole milk that contains 10 - 12% butterfat)

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davidt4, Jul 2, 8:34pm
Half & Half is about 12% butterfat.To get that with NZ cream (38%) and NZ whole milk (4%) mix three parts of whole milk with one part of cream.I.e. 360 ml whole milk and 120 ml cream.

happs1, Jul 2, 8:37pm
Thank you so much for all your help .I totaly get what you posted . I made my first pav today and had 4 egg yolks left over so I found this recipe . Thank you again that was a huge help:~) Oh one other question can I use the blue top milk I have !

davidt4, Jul 2, 9:36pm
Blue top will be okay if it's all you have.Silver top would be better though.

shop-a-holic, Jul 2, 11:08pm

Full cream milk is preferred.