Am after simple recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Easy to make ones.Any to share!
Jul 6, 9:06pm
Should be eating regular family food by then, surely!
Jul 6, 9:25pm
flatten a piece of bread with the crusts cut off with a rolling pin. Smear with Vegemite and sprinkle with grated cheese and roll up. It makes a nice easy sausage shape for little hands tohold, (you can pop this one under the grill and toast it each side too if you like) and it's harder for fillings to fall out. Use this method for introducing salad fillings and such too if you like, as it's harder to pull filling out on purpose too.
Diced apricots as well as raisins are tasty nibble things. Fruit cut into slices is always good. Get a variety in there. Some kids like eating peas or blueberries whilst still frozen.
Scrambled egg in the microwave = 1 egg, 50ml milk, whisk and microwave approx 1 min on high. Serve with buttered toast fingers. Try hummus on toast - child may or may not like it but worth a try.
Porridge Get pams 3 min oats and blitz some into a powder in a blender. Then use 1T of your "creamota" to 1/2 a cup of milk/formula and cook in the microwave till done (2 mins ish) stirring it each minute to prevent lumps.
Jul 6, 9:42pm
muffin splits toasted under the grill with a smear of spaghetti on top and some grated cheese (mini pizzas) Add some scraps of shaved ham, diced cold leftover roasted pumpkin too is tasty - it's surprising what a kid will eat under cheese.
Jul 6, 10:28pm
Why give them crap! Give them a smaller amount of the family meal.
Jul 6, 11:14pm
Mine were - in fact, always did have what we were having, never bothered cooking separately for them
Jul 6, 11:35pm
@ lythande1, dbhab and sarahb5 Lil ones cant always eat what the parents are having ie: currys ect and you have to make something else. My 14mth old dosent eat what we eat everynight.
Jul 6, 11:42pm
OK so I'll qualify what I said (I didn't think it needed this much explanation) - usually ate what we were having but sometimes modified.If we had curry then it usually wasn't too hot anyway but I cooled it down for the kids with sour cream or yoghurt, same with chilli - they've been eating mostly the same as us since they started on solids between 4 and 6 months so even when they were at the single tastes stage their single taste would be one of the items from our dinner.Once they were having 3 meals a day their breakfast and lunch was what we had, their dinner was what we had pureed, mashed, diced, etc.
Jul 7, 12:00am
Gave my son mince plus pasta sauce. think it's rather rich for him. The poos tells a story. :(Also with macaroni cheese. so have to look for something simpler. Also have a recipe for muffin. Seemed to have too much sugar.
Jul 7, 12:04am
Tomatoes are very acidic so yes that is something you need to be aware of - either make pasta sauce with fresh acid-free tomatoes or use canned tomatoes and lots of other veg instead - canned are also less acidic, pre-made pasta sauce seems to be a more concentrated form of tomato.I refuse to make macaroni cheese because it's gross so my kids have only ever had it out of a packet - they love it!I just didn't have the time or inclination to cook separately for different members of the family so they ate what we had and it was eat it or weetbix too when they were under 5.After 5, eat it or starve - they never did.
Jul 7, 12:07am
When we had spaghetti bolognaise, I'd take a tablespoon of that and stir it through dd's usual quantity of mashed mixed veggies. (She had mashed veggies almost every night. She didn't care about the lack of variety.) I'd also freeze some in icecube trays for future meals.If you gave him straight mince and sauce that may indeed be too rich for him. Good on you for spotting the after effects.
Muffins are cake in my opinion - everything in moderation. Let him have a quarter of one for a serve.
When I suggested muffin splits - that's those flat round bread type ones - get the savoury variety.
Jul 7, 12:33am
Ok thanks ange and sarah for inputs. having mince for tonight. will try that out
Jul 7, 3:24am
On the nights (few) that we had something the little tots wouldn't like (such as Curry or Thai food), I did up a finger food plate for them: raw veggies and hummus, leftover cold meat chopped into cubes or strips, cheese cubes, boiled egg. Try different shapes such as grated carrot, strips of lettuce, cubes of cheese, sticks or rounds of carrots. A few fruits on there too: apple slices (mine loved them dipped in lemon), grapes, orange segments. Raisins, nuts.
An amazingly healthy meal for ten minutes work! And enough to tempt even the fussiest toddler.
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