Does any one know how to make the yoghurt coating like you get on raisins etc. I want one that will dry hard. Thank you :)
May 21, 7:50pm
dont know really but how about experimenting with the dry yoghurt powder you buy to make your own yoghurt! Melt some choc and add powder to taste.
May 21, 9:18pm
I have always wanted to know how to do this too as it is so yummy.Will look out for replies.
May 21, 9:53pm
I would think that kremelta. icing sugar and yoghurt powder would sort of work. Rather like the recipes for chocolate crackles and white christmas. But I don't know if the stuff you buy to make you own yoghurt is the right powder or not.If I wanted to experiment that's where I would start.
May 22, 9:37am
Thank you for the replies. I'll give your suggestions a go and see what happens!
May 22, 10:05am
There are a couple of recipes on the following link.
scrappy-do, did you actually want to cover raisins etc or just wanted an icing like that!I have a couple of recipes that I got for putting a hard yoghurt icing on biscuits.
May 28, 8:35pm
I bought a big bag of yoghurt buttons from my fruit and vege shop. They melt like chocolate.Have used them to coat the back of biscuits.
Magic fresh is the brand.
Jun 6, 10:45am
Cookiebarrel - i just want something similar to cover biscuits (not white chocolate though).
Geldof - thanks.I'll see if I can find some :)
Jun 7, 2:17am
bump.for Cookiebarrel :)
Sep 9, 3:07am
bump for cookiebarrel where are you with the recipe
Sep 9, 6:32am
Sorry guys, didn't get back to post the recipes last time, family pressures you know how it can be.Will definatly post the recipes that I have within the next couple of days as I know how time consumming and hard it was for me to find suitable recipes for this when I was first looking.You can actually get yoghurt coating buttons like the chocolate ones that you melt and use, available from Kiwicakes, I haven't actually used them yet but am very keen to.Anyhow will find those recipes and get them to you, promise.
Sep 11, 11:48am
Here they are! WHITE YOGHURT PRETZEL ICING. for candy, nuts, dried fruit or cookies.
250 grms Cream Cheese 5 cups of Icing Sugar 1 tspn Vanilla Essence 1/4 cup of plain yoghurt
Soften Cream Cheese and place in the top of a double boiler, or in basin over a pot.Add the icing sugar and yoghurt.Put just enough water in the bottom pot that it won't touch the underside of the top pot or bowl and bring the water to a gentle boil.
Put top pot or basin, in placee and stir gently and continuously until the cream cheese mixture is melted and well blended.Stir in the vanilla.Turn the heat off, but leave the double boiler on the element so the water remains hot, but not boiling.
With tongs or a dipping fork, pick up one at a time that which you want to coat and dip them in the melted mixture.Place them on wax-paper/baking paper lined cokie sheets, or on a wire cookie cooling rack.
Once the yoghurt coated pieces are cool and dried, store them between layers of wax paper in covereda tupperware-type containers.
NOTE:From Step 2 onwards, you must work quickly and don't let melted mixture get too hot or it will thicken and burn before you can get the pieces coated.
I did find that using the pure icing sugar available from Cake Decorating sites was the best, not the supermarket stuff.
Sep 11, 11:48am
2 Cups Yoghurt (can used flavoured) 5 Cups of Confectioners Sugar/Icing Sugar.
Preheat oven to 250*F/120*C.
Make the yoghurt frosting by pouring 2 cups of Vanilla/Plain yoghurt into the mixing bowl. Add the confectioners sugar to the yoghurt one cup at a time, while blending with mixer on a low speed setting for approx 4 minutes.
Dip each pretzel into the yoghurt frosting using tongs and place onto wire cooling rack.Place a cookie sheet under the wire cooling rack to catch frosting dripping from the pretzels.
Turn the oven off and place the wire cooling rack and sheet inside.Place the cooling rack on the top oven shelf and the cookie sheet on the bottom oven shelf, leaving oven door partially open.Allowing heat to escape from the oven will properly harden the frosting, eliminating the chance of mushy pretzels.
Leave the pretzels in the oven for 3 to 4 hours until the frosting has hardened.
Remove from the oven and let cool for at least 10 minutes before consuming.
Sep 11, 11:51am
This one is a soft/spreadable one. YOGHURT ICING
Icing Sugar Fat free or Lite Yoghurt Vanilla extract
Gradually mix the Icing Sugar into the yoghurt and the vanilla.When it is a nice spreadable concistency stop adding Icing Sugar.Spread on your cookies, cakes or bars.
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