Channel7 TV show, no sugar in diet -any1 watch it?
Mar 18, 7:54pm
My father was telling me about it this morning, sounded interesting and i would like to find out more. From the sounds of it this obese guy gave up refined! sugar and lost heaps of weight. But he was still eating fruit, so dont quite understand how that works as that is fructose (sugars.) The rest of his 'diet' didnt change from the sounds of it eg he ate steak, sausages, baking soda bread etc, any idea what the show was called or where i could find out more, TIA
Mar 18, 8:07pm
sounds right.dibble35. I am on a low carb eating plan right now. The same thing is happening. I feel so good I cannot see myself going back to eating any other way. It is so simple, I am not hungry, wouldn't say the word "dieting", as I feel I am not.
It was Peter Fizsimons.Transcript and video link above.
Mar 18, 8:22pm
Because fructose is not sugar, it does not increase blood glucose levels.
Mar 18, 8:57pm
That must mean the demise of the long-running pickles7 sweet treat baking thread ;)
Mar 18, 9:04pm
Thanks for that, wow, amazing stuff, i'll have to read the book i think.
Mar 18, 9:06pm
fruit also contains vitamins and fibre etc. it is not 'sugar' in the sense that it is not refined from sugar cane/sugar beet, heated, added chemicals etc etc.totally different from the 'sugar' on the shelves of supermarkets. the refined sugar is nasty and yes you would loose weight just by cutting it out of your diet. When I was at uni in the UK I took part in a study - not only is sugar addictive (had horrible, horrible withdrawal symptoms) but despite the fact I was not overweight (size 8) I dropped kilos like crazy (in a month I was near size 4) without eating less/exercising more. I now make own jams (or fruit spreads as they should be called) bake own bread etc, use stevia (herb plant, homegrown, bunnings stock them too) whenever possible. Use only very little of sugar.
Mar 18, 9:07pm
Will order the book from the library,,,,,, but would the new way of eatingbe low carb! or are sugar free carbs OK, (trying to think of any sugar free carbs)
Mar 18, 9:09pm
I thought it was a poor source of information. Mostly the item focussed on this chap's weight loss. The science of sugar in the diet was not gone into at all (hey it was popular TV, so I wasn't expecting miracles).
At the end of it I was very disappointed that there had been no opposing points of view sought, or anything much in the way of scientific/medical comment or backup.Just assertions. And him stepping on and off the flipping scales. Doco-LITE.
Not that it isn't a good idea, intrinsically, for most people to scale back on sugar consumption. I have done it myself, as part of a balanced diet rethink.
But our grandparents had a saying :"Beware the man of one book", which meant that someone who has just read one fact, repeats it loudly, and has no context for it, is no expert at all.
Mar 18, 9:09pm
Do you still use a little sugar in your homemade bread! I've been making lots of bread lately - really enjoying it, but of course it needs 1-2teaspoons of sugar to feed the yeast.
Mar 19, 12:35am
not all recipes require sugar, I use small tiny minute amounts of raw sugar but sometimes honey yes I know the body will convert it etc but I still get a headache when I remember cutting out the sugar completely for the was awful so made me think that it can not be all that good for you. and no I am not a food nazi, I eat speck, duck fat etc. just avoid processed stuff/take aways/etc all is homemade, including pasta of course we bake cakes (got kids) make ice cream etc.but it is home made and I reduce or cut out the raw sugar altogether.if I can I use the homegrown stevia (you got to get used to the taste as bit different, I bought one plant years ago when they were super expensive and just took lots of cuttings, now the kids just pick the leaves off the plants.)
Mar 19, 12:39am
You were detoxing. that's like saying no point cutting out the ciggys, alcohol or cocaine because you'd get a head ache so it cant be good to go without those drugs!
Sugar is a drug, its interesting to see that it takes a TV expose for people to realise that.
Mar 19, 1:05am
No, just for now I am too busy, haven't bothered, bowls come first.You can enjoy it some more, bumps please.
Mar 20, 2:01am
I have just read "big fat lies" by David Gillespie. Same thing - sugar is the real cause of obesity and poor health. Well worth a read.
Mar 20, 3:27am
The book also has a strong message about good fats too.
Mar 20, 5:30am
Well said.A large and loud sports personality and a tabloid presentation - thinon anything apart from the 'headline'.
Mar 21, 8:02am
That program was featured on TV1 Sunday program at 7.30pm. Funny how these segments come along when there is a book to sell!I am a bit sceptical - that man who purports to have lost so much weight was involved in some particularly heavy exercise after which he was weighed.At that time he would have lost a lot of body fluid and would not have been fully hydrated.It was more likely to have been the exercise rather than cutting out sugar from his diet.Personally, I find fat more suspect than sugar.Don't forget fat, by itself, doesn't taste very nice so food manufacturers sweeten it to make it more palatable. All comes down to a balance between intake and burning up the calories.I am living proof of that!
Mar 21, 8:28pm
this sugar subject is a bit confusing for me. so if i wanted to seriously cut out sugar i couldnt have treats like low fat yogurt, i only have 4 teaspoons of raw sugar a day if that, but didnt realise it's hidden in so many foods! i am anti processed foods but i love a yogurt a day. how do i know the good sugars from the bad! do i have to buy a book . thank you in advance xx
Mar 21, 9:45pm
Buy the Greek style yoghurt with no flavourings in it.Then you can add what you like.I add dessicated coconut, raisins and nuts and occasionally fruit or berries.
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