do you use ripe or unripe feijoas to make the jam.
Apr 13, 3:04am
I use a mix of both, very ripe fruit will not have enough pectin in it to help with the setting of the jam. I use about half and half of very ripe and unripe feijoa's.
Apr 13, 4:14am
I use any that i can get my hands on. Use only 20% soar or no sugar but add petting stock/powder. I posted recipe few weeks ago.
Apr 13, 10:51pm
maybe you've done something wrong.
Apr 13, 11:41pm
There is a lot of variation among feijoas and I reckon some trees are just like that (rather like Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em!) - gritty, I mean.
We cook all sages and sizes of feijoas with sugar,preserved ginger pieces and a squeeze of lemon juice and make nice jam. Some batches are runnier than others - if this happens, just change the name and call it "conserve" or "ice cream sauce", as people are not as judgemental about "conserves", the name confuses them. Tee hee.
One thing is, I am too lazy to peel the little perishers so I just cut and scoop, when they are good and ripe. This works well.
Apr 14, 3:16am
I just topped and tailed mine and whizzed them skin and all. I used crystalized ginger in it as well and it was yum
Apr 14, 3:28am
I love feijoa jam . never enough feijoas to make jam because I keep eating them .
Apr 15, 1:25am
Interesting you say some batches set better than others - I tried to make some feijoa paste yesterday( to have with cheese) but it just didn't get thick enough. In the end I think I over cooked it - sort of caramelly colour instead of pinky.Had made quince paste day b4 in crockpot & was perfect.
Mar 21, 12:38pm
RC,InsyaAllah I will bring them back for u if they are in seosan ;) sbb the seosan for feijoas ni very short. They are available during mid autumn usually from May till abt late June or July.Tu arh I also dah tobat ni. I promised my dentist that I will go for my regular check ups. Tak mo nanti gigi ronggak maklum lah umur dah makin meningkat ni hehehez.Tenkiu for the kind compliments it took me awhile also to buy the paint :ppp
Mar 22, 2:28am
Rima,Tu arh takut punya pasal asal drag punya drag :( Skarang dentist ckp dah rotetn padan dgn muka hahahaz. Ni dah promise dia that I will go for my regular check up from now on. Yes totally agree with u abt this muffin. Dah byk kali I buat and dah byk kali tukar2 the topping....senang and bahan2 pun tak byk. Half an hr semua siap ;)
Mar 23, 10:10pm
Anie, I would love to try that feijoas fruit.. balik sioagpnre kirim ahahahaI pun takut dentist.. pas dah cabut my wisdom tooth, my dentist suruh I datang regular check up.. ingat I dah insaf, tapi janji tinggal janji.. ni dah delay 2 bulan appoitment check upnya he he I love yor pics.. as always.. nak buat papan background tu tak terbuat2 lagi.. :P dasar procrastinator.. ;p
Dec 17, 3:14am
Anieeeya adooo .. gigi sakit memang lah ku sagnat takut.. setiap kali orang cerita pasal gigi.. ku boleh lagi rasa kesakitan.. darah boleh up if sakit gigi..ouch.. good luck.. so its a HE.. potong steam lahhh hahahathat no fail banana muffin memang my all time fav.. dari dulu sampai lah sekarang.. moist ajer kannn
Dec 17, 8:19pm
Anie,Setuju dengan Kak Kasih, kayu biru tu snuuggh menawan. Rustic gitu. Gives a cosy touch to your lovely pics. I like ;)Hope everything will go smoothly next Tuesday and after that you can munch on everything that you want (kerusi meja tu jangan la ye :D).
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