Please. your most very bestest ever Coffee Cake

babytears, Apr 24, 5:41am
recipe. please, please please. and thank you

poppy62, Apr 24, 5:55am
I love Coffee Cake - cant wait to see some yummy tried and true recipes - got people coming for morning tea so will try one out.

spot20, Apr 24, 6:04am
Wow coffee cake.Mum used to make it when we were kids, hated it then love it now!

babytears, Apr 24, 6:22am
Thanks so much everyone, much appreciated. I used another recipe off here earlier today(has been requested as a birthday cake) and it didn't turn out very well. very doughy like a scone mixture. very upsetting. so tonight I'll try again :)

babytears, Apr 24, 6:25am
Does this make a decent sized cake. to feed 10 people - do you think I should double it, would it still turn out okay do you think!

babytears, Apr 24, 6:26am
Ohhhh that looks like a great recipe too. hmmmm decisions, decisions!

Darn. I don't have a bunt or ring tin (microwave, but not tin)

leodevos, Apr 25, 10:06am
Here is my favorite one from Canada: ENJOY!
Cream together1/3 C Butter
1/2 C sugar

Add1 egg mix well

Sift together1 ½ C Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
½tsp salt

Measure¾C Milk
1 tsp vanilla essence

Add the milk alternately with the flour into the creamed mixture.

Scrape into a greased 9X9 pan

Smooth top

Topping ½C brown sugar2 Tbsp flour
3 Tbsp butter1 tsp cinnamon

Mix topping and sprinkle over batter

Bake 375 (180)for 35 min

Double the recipe for 9 x 13 pan

Triple topping for great flavour

jaybee2003, Apr 25, 10:44am
A late 60's coffee cake recipe from an old Kenwood cookbook. Back then as a 7 year old, it was one cake mum let me make on my own because it is simple and quick. It makes a light moist cake. I still make it today so it is a well tried and tested recipe!

Kenwood Coffee and Walnut Cake
(You could leave out the walnuts if you didn't want to add them).

6oz self raising flour
Half a teaspoon baking powder
Half a teaspoon salt
5oz sugar
4oz soft butter
2 eggs
l tablespoon powdered coffee
3 tablespoons milk
2 oz grated walnuts

Sift flour and baking powder into bowl and add all the other ingredients. Switch on to minimum speed and increase very gradually to top speed beating 2 minutes altogether. Turn into a well greased tin 8 inch square and bake approx 40 minutes in the centre of a moderately hot oven (375 F/190 C) until firm and springy to the touch. Ice with coffee or mocha butter icing, sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

jaybee2003, Apr 25, 10:44am
A late 60's coffee cake recipe from an old Kenwood cookbook. Back then as a 7 year old, it was one cake mum let me make on my own. Simple and quick to make, it makes a light moist cake. I still make it today so it is a well tried and tested recipe!

Kenwood Coffee and Walnut Cake
(You could leave out the walnuts if you didn't want to add them but I like it with them in).

6oz self raising flour
Half a teaspoon baking powder
Half a teaspoon salt
5oz sugar
4oz soft butter
2 eggs
l tablespoon powdered coffee
3 tablespoons milk
2 oz grated walnuts

Sift flour and baking powder into bowl and add all the other ingredients. Switch on to minimum speed and increase very gradually to top speed beating 2 minutes altogether. Turn into a well greased tin 8 inch square and bake approx 40 minutes in the centre of a moderately hot oven (375 F/190 C) until firm and springy to the touch. Ice with coffee or mocha butter icing, sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

sally213, Apr 28, 9:11am
Just made the perfect cake coffee. Looks awesome can not wait to try tomorrow.
I never bake so must be an easy recipe if I did it haha.

Thanks heaps

bev00, Jul 9, 9:43am
Here's a Coffee Roll Recipe. it's delicious and easy
Beat 5 egg whites stiffly and add 1 large breakfastcup of sugar and the 5 yolks. When creamy, add 1 large cup flour, 1/2 teasp baking powder and 2 Tblsp coffee essence. Cook on oven tray on baking paper. Roll up as soon as possible, When cool unroll and add filling.
Filling.cream all well together
4 Tblsp butter
2 Tblsp coffee essence
175gr icing sugar

Can't go past coffee essence can you! Coffee cake never tastes right without it is my sister's recipe:

Rachel's Easy Coffee Cake

170g flour
2 tsp BP
1 c sugar
Sift these into a bowl. Melt 60 g butter into a measuring cup. Add 2 eggs then fill cup with milk. (you need 1 cup liquid all up) Tip this into dry ingredients and mix for 2 minutes. Add 1 tbsp coffee essence and beat some more until well combined, Bake 1/2 hour in ring tin - I usually double this mixture for a large cake because it goes fairly quickly!
Edited to add - make buttercream with coffee essence and ice the top, or fill the cake with it when cold :)

Edited by sclaredy_cat at 9:06 pm, Fri 18 Mar

Quotesclaredy_cat (1012 )9:05 pm, Fri 18 Mar #4
Old Edmonds book, still the best one around.

Quotekinna54 (188 )9:50 pm, Fri 18 Mar #5
My whole family LOVE this one.

The worlds best Coffee Cakeā€¦. YUMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2/3 cup canola or rice bran oil
1 1/4 cups brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup yoghurt, plain unsweetened
2 eggs
1 tbsp instant coffee mixed with 1 tbsp boiling water
1 cup walnut pieces
2 cups self-raising flour, sifted
Extra 1/3 cup walnut halves, to decorate
75g butter, softened
1 2/3 cups icing sugar, sifted
1 tbsp instant coffee dissolved in 1 tbsp boiling water
1. Heat oven to 160°C fan bake. Grease well a 22cm bundt or ring cake tin.
2. Place oil, sugar, yoghurt, eggs and coffee mixture in a bowl. Beat to combine. Fold in the walnuts and sifted flour until just combined.
3. Pour mixture into prepared tin and smooth the surface. Bake for 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool in tin, then turn out.

Quotecharlieb2 (328 )11:12 pm, Fri 18 Mar #7
Made charlieb2's cake this morning for visitors - we all loved it. I'll definately be adding this one to my repertoire. Only cooked it for 40 mins though and I think next time, I'll start checking after 35. Came away from edge of tin nicely. (I used sour cream in place of yoghurt which worked well). Also turned out after about 5mins.

1 tbsp. instant coffee
1 c. boiling water
2 c. sifted flour
3 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
6 egg whites (3/4 c.)
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 c. sugar
6 egg yolks (1/2 c.)
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Dissolve coffee in boiling water, or use 1 cup strong coffee; cool. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar in large bowl at high speed until very soft mounds begin to form; add 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, and continue beating until very stiff, straight peaks form when beater is raised - do not underbeat. Set aside.
Beat egg yolks in large mixer bowl until blended; gradually add sugar and vanilla and beat at high speed until thick and lemon coloured, 4-5 minutes. Add dry ingredients alternately with cooled coffee, beginning and ending with dry ingredients; blend thoroughly after each addition. W

bev00, Jul 21, 9:46am
Melt N Mix Coffee Cake 125g butter,chopped;130g brown sugar;75g caster sugar;125ml milk;2 tsp instant coffee;2 eggs;225g s.r flour. Grease a 14x21cm loaf pan,cover base with baking paper. Combine butter,sugar,milk & coffee in med saucepan,stir over low heat,without boiling,until butter is melted. Stand 10 mins.Stir in eggs & flour.Pour into pan. Bake in mod oven about 40 mins.Turn onto rack to cool.Top cold cake with coffee glac'e icing and walnuts if desired.

guest, Jan 11, 11:37pm
I rellay needed to find this info, thank God!

guest, Jan 13, 5:45pm
Kudos! What a neat way of thinikng about it.

guest, Jan 14, 11:16am
I think you hit a bulselye there fellas!