Looking for lLets Go Dutch recipe book

dilligaf_dah, Apr 17, 1:19am
Hi I am looking for the Lets Go Dutch recipe books 1 and 2

unknowndisorder, Apr 17, 2:05am
Not willing to sell, but could possibly lend, if no luck.

dilligaf_dah, Apr 17, 5:57am
It is for my sister in AUstralia so would need to buy one
Thanks for the offer thoughvery kind of you

marcs, Apr 17, 6:24am
Have you tried Book Depository UK or Fishpond!

dilligaf_dah, Apr 17, 8:08pm
yip have been on line and checked also.

pogram0, Apr 18, 1:45am
If you go to www.abe.com they have some copies there.Abe lists second-hand books from all over the world.Although they are second-hand some of them look to be in very good condition.

ace441, Apr 18, 1:50am
These guys have both - might be easier to ship them straight to your sister rather than here first and then to her!http://thedutchshop.com/advanced_search_result.php!keywords=lets+go+dutch

timturtle, Apr 18, 2:22am
Does either book have a Bitterballen/ Krochet (sp) recipe ! and if so would you mind posting it ! TIA

dilligaf_dah, Apr 18, 2:31am
I Have those recipes in an other book will posta them later on for you. Or I could photocopy and post to you.Just hit the buy now on my lace auction then we can exchange addresses.

dilligaf_dah, Apr 18, 2:32am
Thankyou for the replies.Have sent an email of to America to see how much the postage would be.Again thankyou all

timturtle, Apr 18, 2:35am
Thanks have just done that. Have you tried the recipe ! Cheers

dilligaf_dah, Apr 18, 5:29pm
ace - have just got an email back from them and they only post in America, so no good for us here.
Tim yes recipes tried and used many times. Going to get them photocopied today for you and will post then also.
Have a nice day all.

katalin2, Apr 18, 5:58pm
that's interesting as I have ordered and received books from them over the years- must be a new policy!

dilligaf_dah, Apr 19, 4:11pm
I think I got books from them in the past also. but no go this time
Will just see if I can get some here . will just keep trying

timturtle, Apr 19, 4:35pm
Looks like hte book dep has them, and they have free delivery world wide


Are these the ones you want !

Oh NO They are unavailable

timturtle, Apr 19, 4:35pm
Looks like the book dep has them, and they have free delivery world wide


Are these the ones you want !

Oh NO They are unavailable

dilligaf_dah, Apr 19, 9:17pm
thanks for trying tim.
I"ll just keep looking

dilligaf_dah, Apr 21, 6:16am
anyone else.

timturtle, Apr 22, 12:20am

Looks like they have one, but they are expensive even used!

dilligaf_dah, Apr 22, 3:01am
thanks tim

unknowndisorder, Jul 12, 3:21am
Dilligaf, how did you get on!
I just bought a little book "Dutch cooking today" which looks good. Mvade my mouth water looking at the pix and recipes.