with very UN-PC names of dishes in it: Spotted Dick, Arabian Balls, Magic Mushrooms, Chinese Chews, Milady's Fluff, French Dates, cookbook is "The All New Fannie Farmer's Cookbook" and was printed in 1944. It tells you how to keep your husband happy - "Greet him cheerfully at the door when he comes home, always remove your apron first, be tidy in your appearance and make sure you apply a little rouge and lipstick before he enters his home.Place him in an easy chair with soft muted music and perhaps an aperitif.Never bother him with the worries of your day or he will tend to look for a happier place.Listen to him attentively while he tells you of any concerns in his day and soothe him as appropriate.If you have children keep them quietly occupied while you give your husband your full attention or indeed, have them fed, bathed and ready for bed so your husband isn't bothered by the noisiness and disruption."Unbelievable. How things have changed.
Dec 5, 3:34am
It's very easy to tell when household hints for the housewife are written by men - there's such a lot of wish fulfilment there...!
Dec 5, 6:16am
Even in Aunt Daisy's cookbooks there are "Maori Kisses" - the chocolate version of a custard kiss.
Dec 5, 6:33am
It might be a fun idea to try that one night! Wonder on second thoughts - ....
Dec 6, 9:20pm
I used to have a similiar book from the early 1900's and it advised "that a good housekeeper always uses her aspestos (sp) mats on the bench or tablefor the hot pots...
Dec 7, 6:33am
My husband reckons he likes that! GRRRR! LOL!
Oct 4, 4:43pm
I reckon if you followed those instructions these days, hubby would come home and would either think he'd walked into the wrong house, or would wonder what you'd been up to.
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