It's quite a cool picture actually. So much going on! Toady - if I win, you can have my bunny!
Mar 11, 11:23pm
You don't like Lindt!I just love the red one. Balls of Heaven I call them and keep my fingers crossed at christmas and birthdays for them.
Mar 11, 11:41pm
I LOVE Lindt - but I don't need it!
Mar 17, 5:56pm
Todays bunny is mving again in 3 mins.
Mar 17, 6:29pm
That's what the first rabid feminists said about men;)
Mar 18, 1:59am
l have a terrible job getting my computer to move across the page so it takes ages or l give up l spent ages trying to go across the page and then down but it kept going all over the place and then wouldn't go to the edge l will keep trying though
Mar 18, 2:38am
Are you using the left/right, up/down arrows in the 'wheel'!
Mar 18, 7:02pm
Yes elliehen but they won't work for me for some reason but l will keep trying l have a laptop and only use the mouse on it not an external mouse but it plays up for some reason l will try again later, the wheel has never worked for me
Mar 21, 8:17pm
Keep up the hunt :)
Mar 21, 9:11pm
He's getting harder to find but I got him. Ellie tell us when the new hunt is up please.
Mar 22, 1:55am
Doh on my part, l worked it out what l was doing wrong and found the bunny so now l am really happy and have 2 entries l was using the computer controls to enlarge the picture instead of the wheel
Mar 22, 2:39am
Well done!Next change in about 24 hours, I think :)
Clue: the current bunny is in a flower garden just above the big chessboard at the bottom of the picture :)
Mar 25, 10:08pm
Check out the bridge today .
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