Sunbeam Nutrioven.Have you got one

dalkemade, Mar 25, 3:50am
It would be most helpful if you can give me your opinions on it as I am considering whether to buy one.Also can you see advantages of it over a microwave or perhaps not comparable.

dalkemade, Mar 26, 11:44pm
Bumping. Cant even find any reviews when I googled.

jellabie, Mar 27, 1:05am
I thought I found a review but I was wrong - sorry :o)

dalkemade, Mar 27, 10:07am
Thanks jellabie for trying.

andrew499, Mar 27, 7:48pm
Hi there.I would say definitely not comparable to a microwave.The Sunbeam oven is one of many glass bowl convection ovens to hit the market in recent years.Easycook was the first as far as I know, and if buying one I still tend to recommend them.They're more expensive than the Sunbeam and the like, but I think they're better made.They also come with a much more comprehensive instruction/recipe book.Hope this helps.

dalkemade, Mar 28, 8:09am
Thank you so much andrew499. That has helped me, i will now wait until I can get an Easyccok on sale.

lindylambchops1, Mar 29, 2:17am
good job you didn't mis spell that as Easycock!

lindylambchops1, Mar 29, 2:19am
Dammit you are Wellywood!

lindylambchops1, Mar 29, 9:03am
dalkemade any luck with the Easycook!

dalkemade, Mar 29, 8:47pm
Hi Lindy etc I had a look at the link and it sounds real good. The problem is with freight it could end up a bit pricey. Its the old story that you dont buy at Briscoes until they have a sale, bless them, so I will have to wait for one from them. From what I can gather they do sound very good. Thanks

rawhide1, Sep 16, 3:33am
Does anyone know or tell me what the cost to use one of these would be are they cheap to run or expensive