Are there any pick your own blueberry places

eurika, Feb 8, 2:56am
in the Tauranga/Mount area or has the season finished.Cheers

houstonctrl, Feb 8, 4:05am
Season has finished I beilieve. Well, they have down here in PNth

nauru, Feb 8, 5:35am
We picked Blueberries last weekend just out of PNth.They are still picking at Levin too.

makespacenow, Feb 8, 5:48am
Tauranga.sommerfield berries not sure
redwood lane should be fine till end of the month

figjamto, Feb 8, 8:06am
You used to be able topick them at Omaha North of Auckland, not sure if you still can !

eurika, Feb 8, 5:46pm
Thanks for replies.heading to Redwood Lane today

guest, Jan 11, 12:37pm
You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion evryrwheee!