Excess of strawberries

jamiemew, Jan 12, 4:20am
What can I do with them jam and cakes muffins etc anything else!

jamiemew, Jan 12, 4:21am
Can you preserve! Like peaches!

whitehead., Jan 12, 5:18am
pack bags of them in your freezer and use it to make small lots of jam through the year and you can thin it down with water and use it over icecream

whitehead., Jan 12, 5:21am
instant icecream 2 cups frozen stawberrys one bottle of cream one cup of icing sugar tip the lot into a kitchen wizz and pulse it .you have fruit icecream

lodgelocum, Jan 12, 5:21am
Freeze to make strawberry ice-cream and of course continue to make jam throughout the year, strawberry coulli! sp.

blooma, Jan 12, 5:22am
send the leftovers to me

monofoil, Jan 16, 9:07am
I freeze them and make smoothies later in the year.

terraalba, Jan 16, 9:34am
Your friends will appreciate a wee home garden treat. put them in clean disposable plastic trays or containers (collected from things you have bought) and present them nicely.
I grow black currants and if I had strawberries, I'd be able to gift them a lot more than I can the currants. I still manage to delight some elderly folk with a small box of them. I mainly grow them to give them.

Home garden ripe strawberries are superior tasting to commercial ones several days old in the shops.

Frozen strawberries can be used to make a sauce for deserts, cheesecakes and just a little drizzoled over cream.