Depends on the recipe, it could be omitted all together - depending on what its going in to start with.
Jan 7, 7:41pm
It's for Allison Holst budget biscuits. I feel it needs the GS as there is not much else exciting in it.
Jan 7, 7:53pm
If you don't have the GS could you make something else instead!
Jan 7, 8:13pm
You could use honey. or try brown sugar with a little extra liquid. ( Even make a brown sugar syrup if you could be bothered.)
will alter the taste though.
Jan 7, 8:40pm
Maple syrup!
Agave syrup if you have it!
No reason any of these wouldn't work.
Jan 7, 10:13pm
Treacle ----- a lot stronger, so maybe use less and substitute the rest with brown sugar.Will have a more caramelised effect.
Jan 7, 10:43pm
golden syrup is basically caramelised sugar syrup so just use ordinary sugar maybe even burn it a little first.
Jan 7, 11:40pm
Or melt some brown sugar which is just ordinary white sugar with treacle added back into it.
Jan 7, 11:42pm
I would use treacle. .if you have it.
Or brown sugar
Jan 8, 12:29am
Thanks for all the help.
Jan 9, 5:49pm
I use mulberry jam in my choc cakes rather than golden syrup.Any jam is good though.Cakes are always yummy.
Jan 9, 5:55pm
Does the recipe have egg in it! Just wondering because I have heard golden syrup can replace an egg in a recipe. Maybe it could work the other way around too. ie. use an egg and ordinary sugar in place of the GS.
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