minced with onion and made into patties. How do you cream your paua! I thinly slice the paua and onion and simmer in fry pan with butter then add cream and simmer some more.
Jan 4, 9:12am
Sliced really thinly then flash fried on the bbq with garlic butter . yummy!
Jan 4, 9:13am
creamed paua yum, mince paua, usally mince one onion as well, throw into pan cook for about 2 minutes in a cup put about a tablespoon of corn flour mix with cream, throw the rest of the cream into the pan of paua then add the cornflour and cream (thickeng) simmer then onto the fresh bread love it hope you try
Jan 4, 7:29pm
Try putting a little bit of curry powder in your cream paua. Sushi is another great way to use paua
Jan 5, 12:50am
Fritters.minced paua, finely diced or minced onion, salt and pepper, egg, flour.mix then drop in spoonfuls into a pan with a mix of butter and oil.scrumptious.
Jan 5, 4:26am
Slice and lightly fry with olive oil and herbs and add mushrooms. Make a salad for the side. Lovely.
Jan 5, 5:12am
gonna try this one hope to go out tomorrow and get some ha ha we dont have to dive
Jan 5, 8:11am
I am going to send the boy out in the morning (we don't have to dive either) and try the curry in the creamed paua, then have some with the garlic butter ohhhh yuuuummmmy.
Jan 5, 11:26pm
update actiongirl1.did you get any and how did you cook them.
Jan 7, 6:13am
He didn't go out, the plan is now for tomorrow.
Jan 9, 5:27am
missed the tide will wait for the weekend
Jan 9, 8:02am
a bit of grated carrot as well in the patty, num num, me just back from kaikoura with 40 paua,all minced and in .5kg bags going on bbq in weekend!
Jan 13, 6:49am
hopefully tomorrow is fine to go and get some
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