Kimkat - so admire your pantry!Would love someone to organise mine!This post making me think. One thing I do that have seen others do and is super convenient is keep spices in cutlery divided drawer.It is close to my preparation/cooking area and find I can open drawer and just reach for what I need. Herbs in one line, foreign style another and baking yet another.Leaves two more one with rarely used and other bottles like essences and oddments.
Jan 3, 10:41pm
My herbs and spices are in a shallow drawer in their original packets/tins etc and easy to find by looking at the tops.I have always believed that spices should be kept in a cool dark place.
Jan 4, 12:44am
Kimkat, what a well organised and tidy pantry ! I use a combination of Tupperware and Decor brand plastic containers for most things and some glass jars with seals. I buy only small quantities of spices and herbs and keep themin Tupperware spice shakers or small jars at the back of my small pantry. One thing I have always hoped for but never had is a large walk-in pantry or larder.
Jan 4, 2:18am
Courtney,Listen to Gardie!As right now all new Tupperware Demonstrators will receive the Modular Mates Home Start Set complete with Container Labels.This reward is valued at over $202 and is absolutely FREE to qualified New Demonstrators.If you have any questions let me know.
Jan 5, 3:24pm
Good ideas here, though I find that Systema containers don't keep out ants, so presume that they'd be vulnerable to weevils, etc., as well. I use a combination of freebie (4 kg margerine, icecream, etc.) containers and bought ones. I don't use a lot of sugar except at preserving time, so I got some lidded 10 litre buckets from Plastic Box to hold a 10 kg bag of sugar, and a 5 kg bag of flour. The lids seal tightly, and keep out the dreaded ants! I'll be buying a couple more for wine-making, this year.
Jan 5, 3:56pm
I'm switching over to glass for storage. Not a good idea for Christchurch people though if you've got open shelves.
Jan 5, 6:57pm
I can't keep our pantry tidy - its too small! The hot watercupboard back onto it and I'm thinking of tunneling through :-)
Jan 5, 7:42pm
I used to have serious problems with ants especially with things like sugar stored in older containers with lids which weren't sealing as well as they should. I started buying Decor containers ( available at Countdown and probably other supermarkets too ) and rarely see ants in my kitchen cupboards now. I like that range because they are almost clear and I canusually see what is inside without having to label everything.
Jan 5, 7:51pm
Sistema Klip-its - they are the way to go. of different sizes. Stack fine with the except of Tupperware being better but at a cost!
Jan 7, 2:33pm
Tupperwaremodular system.I have had mine since they first came out,late eighties early good as the day I bought them.expensive but worth the investment.Sometimes the weevils are already in the product when you buy it from the supermarket.I smiled at the suggestion that you become a dealer and get it at the discounted price because that is what I did.Sole purpose to sort my pantry.turned out a little different I ended up doing it for several years,it was such a good job and I made lasting friendships and the pantry still looks fantastic.
Jan 7, 3:50pm
I have a big walk in pantry with roll out baskets, and have a major job keeping it tidy lol, Have bits of tupperware, and all sorts of containersstacked up. Love the narrow shelves where i keep all my spices etc, jams, chutneys, the rest is a bit of a clutter which annoys me greatly. Mr comes home with goodies and dumps it in the pantry everything from boxes of potatoes to the wine, boy i'd love to toss the whole lot and start again with all the new tupperware containers but they are so expensive.
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