these pests have caused havoc in our pantry how do i get rid of them and deter them from coming back?
Apr 1, 1:23am
Everyone is complaining this year. They are such a pain to get rid of. After cleaningout my pantry a few times, and throwing out heaps of food that I thought was contaminated. I ended up biffing everything, oats, flour, seeds anything you can think they might be in. I did find their wee nest....gross in the lid of some sesame seeds. You have to clean down the shelves and remove them if possible to clean behind. Check EVERYTHING> then I placed bayleaves throughout, suppose to work and so far its all good here.I had some fresh ones, but dry is fine I think.
Apr 1, 1:44am
Dried bay leaves scattered around
Apr 1, 1:49am
Yes open any tins. I found moths in empty tins, I too scattered bay leaves around and I think they do deter them.
Apr 1, 2:09am
if you can store anything in coloured glass dark brown or blur you wont get moths in it .i used a mix of bottles till i woke up to the fact every thing in clear glass was mothy and every thing in coloured glass was ok have never used clear since .i use glass because i live in the hawks bay and we get cockroaches flying in
Apr 2, 12:37am
they even get into that sealed edge on containers, so make sure u wash the container lids in hot soapy water .. pesky little devils aren't they!
Apr 2, 12:42am
Get a pantry moth trap from a garden centre or hardware store.I've never found bay leaves to have much effect.
Apr 2, 1:00am
what does their nest look like? I've seen a few moths flying out of my pantry, and the other day there was this gross egg nest thing attached to a magnet on my fridge. It looked kind of mothy, kind of grey and furry on the top and full of eggs (blurgh!)
Apr 2, 4:03am
I just had a massive infestation. It was like I went to bed and the next day tehre were weevils everywhere. They must have been hatching *bleurgh*! I just threw out EVERYTHING that wasn't tinned (even tea) and scrubbed the whole cupboard with strong disinfectant. For about 3 days anything I bought lived in the fridge til I was sure they were gone. I have the bayleaves around, but I also went to Bunnings and bought some pantry moth traps for $5 and put them there.Nasty little buggars.
Apr 2, 4:41am
Where have they come from? I thought something I had bought must have had the eggs in and had to throw just about everything in packets or bags out 'cause they were all infected with hatching moths. Now everything is in jars or tins. No more packets!
Apr 2, 1:31pm
Simple. Put your food into sealed containers. leaving things in the original bags is too easy for them. No access - no bugs.
Apr 2, 1:45pm
I am fighting them at the moment as well... reasonably sure mine came in a packet of Pams Rolled oats.
Apr 3, 12:44am
Bumping for pip31
Apr 3, 2:09am
yeh interestingly to note that they often arrive in a sealed bag from the supermarket ..
Apr 3, 5:36am
I've just cleaned out a yukky nest from our pantry too, it has me wondering if they are actually harmful to us. Can they make us sick or is it just the gross factor that people worry about?
Apr 3, 9:14pm
No, they're just gross. Pretty sure mine came in rolled oats too. One time I bought some of those corn thins and put them in an airtight container. Opened them up about a week later, and there were heaps of tiny cockroach babies in there. Bleaurgh!
Apr 4, 2:48am
Ive had to throw out 2 minute noodles, flour and breadcrumbs. Its the first time ve had problems with weevile so now Ive read this thread I cant wait to pull everything out of my pantry and clean it. I wondered why I had them all of a sudden
oops, I think I misread this thread. Its weevil thats my problem, not moths
Apr 4, 3:02am
yes i have seen a few flying around the pantry. made sure nothing was open or edible, and sprayed around the containers with flyspray.there were 4 flying around having a party in a bag of bran i had got from selfhelp bin. it was well sealed. they must be in there when you buy things. they are a nusiance, but hate throwing things out.
Apr 4, 4:05am
The insects that are sometimes called weevils are actually moths - pantry moths.There have been a number of threads recently, so do a search and you will get a lot of information.
Apr 4, 5:21am
I don't know if this woud work or not, but has anyone tried putting things in the deep-freeze for a couple of days before storing it in the pantry?
Apr 4, 5:45pm
Buy pantry moth traps from Mitre10
Apr 4, 10:00pm
that reminds me of the packet of raw peanuts i bought and a month later it was a mass of wriggling worms!!i try not to think how many gross things we've eaten over the years .. things that spawned later on !!!
Apr 5, 6:26am
I second the pantry moth traps, not the cardboard ones they are useless, the plastic ones are good though expensive, mine is full of moths that would have gone into the pantry, bought it from bunnings.
Apr 5, 8:31am
I bought the card ones - will buy the plastic one instead if I get anymore problems - already got three in there in the last 3 weeks! I think this time of year is worse as everyone seems to be having outbreaks.
Jul 31, 11:18am
The only way to stop these is to keep stuff in the fridge or freezer as they are already in your food in egg form when you buy it and only need a suitable temperature to hatch. Then they start eating the food, pupate and turn into moths. They don't have nests so what you see is the webs they make when they pupate...waiting to become moths. I had some walnuts which I had shelled and put into the freezer. I took one bag out for a while because I needed the space and that's all it took....they all hatched and ate half my nuts. The same principle for codlin moth in apples....egg is laid in flower, hatches when fruit has formed and they eat their way out to climb down the tree and pupate to become moths.
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