Hi guys im moving house on the weekend and wanted to make a shopping list of all the essentials to start fresh in a new house. What are the essentials for your pantry :)
Mar 12, 11:40pm
Dried herbs and spices, sea salt, table salt & Peppercorns. Tinned Tomatoes, tinned tuna in olive oil, weetbix for the boy child, coffee, raw sugar, flour, rice, pasta, raw honey, peanut butter, butter, cold pressed olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, sesame oil & fish & soy sauce. Think that's about it for us not taking fridge/freezer into account.
Mar 13, 12:23am
Plus rolled oats
Mar 13, 12:33am
I always have canned chickpeas, kidney beans and cannellini beans too.
Mar 13, 12:48am
The above and also cous cous, balsamic vinegar,hot chili sauce,. I suppose what are the items you use when fridge and orcupboards are bare to make a meal. Lentils, split peas are handy. Stock cubes.
Mar 13, 12:52am
thanks guys keep the ideas flowing. i always seem to be without some ingredient in recipes i want to try so would like to get the works if you get what i mean :)
Mar 13, 12:53am
Everyone's pantry would be differently stocked with what they consider to be basics according to what meals their family eat, what their preferences are, etc.Mine would include Our Mate, crunchy peanut butter, nutella, high grade flour, caster sugar, raw sugar, icing sugar, basic herbs & spices, vanilla essence, 2 minute noodles, canned tomato soup, baked beans, spaghetti, apricots or peaches, tuna, anchovies, and then the sauces, dressings and oil - HP sauce, tomato ketchup, mayo, extra virgin olive oil, canola or sunflower oil for baking, Worcestershire sauce, sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce, white vinegar, malt vinegar, balsamic vinegar, basic selection of cereals - weetbix, ricies, cornflakes and rolled oats, white rice and pasta.I reckon if you have to stock up on all these things all at once it will probably cost more than a normal week's groceries!
Mar 13, 1:20am
I thought my pantry was very full but reading these lists, I don't have a lot. Admittedly the above lists contain a large amount of food I don't eat. I guess it depends whether it is stocked for a family or not. Mine isn't.
Mar 13, 3:08am
I just hate having to buy so much each week and i normally once a month do a stock up but it always runs out. sigh. I never seem to have the right things in the cupboard when i need them so thought if i spend a few hundred stocking up with the essentials + sometimes stores then i will always have what i need on hand.
Mar 13, 3:19pm
I tend to stock up on favourite essentials when they're on special - I shop online which makes it easier to see at a glance what's on special and if my favourite pasta I'll buy a packet whether we're planning on having pasta this week or not.Same with bread - I have about 8 loaves in the freezer at the moment because favourites have been on good specials lately.
Mar 13, 3:41pm
Even my experience in Christchurch with the shakes, I really recommend that you have surplus supplies of easy food for emergency times.Eg noodles, canned food, heaps of stored water etc
Mar 13, 4:06pm
Actually we do have stored water at the bottom of the freezer - I'm short and we don't have a basket in the chest freezer so I have 4 litre plastic bottles filled with water at the bottom of the freezer so that everything is higher up for me to reach without falling head first into the freezer trying to get the peas out!
Mar 13, 4:11pm
Yep i buy the fav specials to whether needed or not fortnightly and next week usually a few basics where needed. Do this with meat to if good specials come up at the butchers freeze that and use whats in the freezer keep rotating it.Find it works for us pantry and freezer is usually pretty well stocked.
Mar 13, 4:27pm
flour ( several different types), sugar (includes icing sugar and brown), baking powder, baking soda, cream of tartar, custard powder, citric & tartaric acids, herbs (x herbs, bay leaf,+ others) and spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg + others), essences,curry powder, a mixture of different sauces, salt, milk powder, mix of nuts, dried fruit (sultana's, dates, & apricots + others), rice (short, long and brown), pasta's (several types), couscous, dried potato, semolina, bran flakes (baking bran), rolled oats, choc chips, Golden syrup, breadcrumbs, cocoa powder, coffee essence, oils, yeast, stocks, gravy mix, lentils, split peas and soup mix. As well as a good stock of tinned foods, jams, pickles, chutney's and other spreads. Onions, pumpkin, carrots and apples are the other things I tend to buy on a regular basis, also freezer vegies (peas, corn and mixed). Butter, margerine, buttermilk, yoghurt, sour cream and cottage cheese are handy to have in fridge.
It is expensive to do a total re-stock. I did a virtual one via the Countdown website and was surprised at how much it would cost. But then that was buying everything fresh.
Mar 13, 9:10pm
Damn that is such a good idea for us shorties!
Mar 13, 9:16pm
Haven't read all threads, but I also keep basic baking ingredients - flour, dried fruit, choc chips, golden syrup, bread mix, yeast, bread improver, etc
Mar 13, 9:24pm
I can't wait to get out of this rental situation that we are in whilst building!To stock new cupboards & have all my small appliances & baking tins, trays etc handy, instead of packed away in a box in the garage.It will be awesome!
Mar 13, 10:09pm
I hate renting but unfortunately until we save enough money to take a decent chunk out of the mortgage then renting is the option for us. I want to do a total restock for ME hehe i am sick of never having what i need on hand for example golden syrup i havent bought it in years yet i always seem to need it in a recipe. Restock begins! havent done a total restock in about 4 years so well over due
Mar 14, 12:11am
I always have lots of tinned tomatoes, tom paste, a cheap port is good as this adds depth to lots of recipes. Garlic &onions would be something i would not be with out, although they don' t truely fall under pantry items. Other things I have sesame oil, fish sauce, japanese vinegar, soy sauce, onion marmalade, dry mustard powder, whole grain mustard & dijon. If wanting to start from scratch, perhaps make a wish list, and buy the ones you use the most first then gradually build on them.
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