Auckland - Pick your own strawberries!

very_hotpants, Dec 31, 11:59am
Past Westgate going to Muriwai Beach there are loads.

wron, Jan 1, 10:43am
I bet they're a sea of mud now!

tipsy_bl0nde, Dec 29, 11:14am
Where can you do this now! I used to do this when i was a kid but havent in a long time. Used to go to the strawberry farm out by the airport but not sure if they still do it!

cookessentials, Dec 29, 6:20pm
Mmmm, in the city area, not so sure now. There are a couple of places out towards Kingseat/Waiau Pa. There used to be one out Onehunga way towards Villa Maria! not sure if they are still there though.

raewyn64, Dec 29, 9:38pm
There are 2 strawberry places out South - one by the Mangere Cemetry near the airport and also Perry's Berries which is on the back road to the airport if you come from Manukau City. Usually you have to buy their picked berries but near the end of the season they let people come through and pick their own.

dancewest, Dec 30, 1:09am
Heaps out west. Garelja farms are amazing!