My daughter (7) is coeliac and we are visiting up north for xmas. They have a hungi and 'bring a plate' for xmas. What can I do that is special for her, that has the variety of choices like a 'picnic' would. And is 'xmas'like too!
Dec 4, 8:41pm
I would suggest may be do some of her favourite dishes. It would be easier if would tell us whether she prefers sweets or savouries. There is a gluten free thread on here. Just use the seach box on the left hand side.
Dec 5, 2:35am
Savoury GF muffins (used GF bacon, corn, cheese for flavour), chocolate brownie - make a slab - cut into squares, pipe whipped cream and add a strawberrry for Santa's hats!I also make quick and easy choco nibbles - mixed unsalted roasted peanuts, raisins, GF rice flakes/and or GF cornflakes with chocolate into mini clusters (look like sweets). Have you tried the pavillion GF flaky pastry! I've not but you may be able to peel some GF sausages and make sausage rolls. I have a 10 year old coeliac and this is our first Christmas without gluten - good luck. There's masses of info on here!
Dec 5, 3:30am
Thanks! I like the sausage rolls idea and the brownie with cream and strawberries. I will give it more thought and brouse through teh gluten free thread on here. Deb
Dec 5, 5:09am
Hangi, but pronounced how you spelt it. Don't have any gluten free ideas though
Dec 5, 10:31pm
Hangi is basically meat, (maybe fish, depending on the skill of the hangi cooks) and root vegetables. Some enterprising people also do steamed pud as well. Based on that, and the fact that you are expected to bring a plate, wouldn't they be expecting you to bring along a vegetable, sweet or cheese platter type plate rather than bring more meat, such as sausage rolls. Certainly, if you think your daughter will turn her nose up at gluten free meat, kumara and potatoes etc, take along her fav sausage rolls as well as a plate for the food donation.
Why not take a large bag of fresh beans that can be cooked to add to the Christmas menu!
Jan 11, 1:39am
Geez, that's unvleiebable. Kudos and such.
Jan 13, 7:12am
Zaranee izvinyayus' za laisnittu. Na rabote postavit' kirrilitsu ne predstavlyaetsya vozmozhnim. Takzhe izvinyayus za anglitsizmi - zhivu v USA 15 let i ne znayu kak ix pravil'no perevesti na russkiy yazik.Teper' o krizise. Vinovati ne managera. Vinovati vse. Voz'mem kak primer mortgage crisis. Vinovata zhadnost' lyudey kotoraya pobudila ix pokupat' doma kotorie oni ne mogli sebe pozvolit'. Naprimer kogda ya pokupal kvartiru dva goda nazad, ya podschital chto s moyey zarplatoy i zarplatoy zheni my mozhem sebe pozvolit' kvartiru maksimum za $600,000. Bank dal nam kreditnuyu liniyu na $1.1MM. Neploxaya raznitsa, net? Kto vinovat? Zhadnost' banka kotoriy xochet sozdat' mortgage, i bistren'ko prodat' ego v pool of mortgage securities.Vinovata zhadnost' investitsionnogo banka kotoriy xochet zodat' pool of mortgage securities, razbit' na tranches, i pribil'no raskidat' po investoram. Vinovati zhadnie investori kotorie brosayutsya na tranches iz za bolee visokogo protsenta, ne analiziruya chto vnutri nego.Vinovati rating agencies kotorie visoko otsenivayut eti securities i delayut den'gi na otsenkax (ploxie otsenki = men'she deal flow)Vinovati otsenschiki moyey kvartiri kotorie zavisili ee stoimost' chtoby bank sdelal sdelku.Vinovata Clinton administration kotoraya sozdala Freddie Mac i Fannie Mae kotorie REZKO uprostili pravila predostavleniya kredita nekreditosposobnomu sloyu naseleniya. Vinovata Bush administration kotoraya bila 8 let u vlasti i nichego po etomu povodu ne sdelala. Esli est' ochen' strogoye regulation stock brokers chtobi oni ne obmanivali naselenie (naskol'no ono uspeshno eto drugoy vopros), to pochemu ne bylo regulation mortgage brokers, appraisers, and other real estate professionals?!A naschet aktsionerov.. pochemy oni ne trebovali bolee podrobnoy informatsii o svoix investitsiyax kogda oni rosli kazhdiy den', no stali plakatsya kogda vse nachalo stremitel'no padat'? Kogda u rabochix rosli pensionnie fondi do stratosfernix tsifr, nikto ne zadaval vopros - za za schet chego, sobstvenno? Vse byli slishkom zanyati pokupkoy HDTVs. A kogda nachalo padat' - pomogite nam, spasayte nas.Koroche vinovati ne manageri. Vinovati vse. Vinovata chelovecheskaya zhadnost' i strax.
Jan 14, 3:50am
I enjoyed my time at the Daylight Portrait Workshopon Fri 20th Jan and lrnaet some interesting tips & techniquesfor capturing the best shots.Only downfall is my standard Nikon 18-55mm lens andnow been looking into getting 50mm f1.4 G AF-S to becomethe real master of photography Thanks to Martin and Tony at Studiotime and not forgettingValentina professional model, very photogenic with a twistof humour.
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