I read today that children prefer the taste of milk from grain fed cows rather than pasture fed. We don't have grain fed cows here in NZ to test that theory. Anyone heard (herd) of it before!
Nov 19, 2:46am
Haven't heard of that before.But heard of stories from mothers who say their children now refuse pasteurised milk after drinking beautiful raw milk.Also owners of cats who previously didn't drink milk but now beg for raw milk.
Nov 19, 2:53am
Milk in any form is not a natural food for cats after kittenhood and can give them diarrhoea.
Nov 19, 5:20am
and dogs. They are usually lactose intolerant.
Nov 19, 1:06pm
Sounds like rubbish put out by farmers or maybe dairy companies trying to push their own milk.
Hmmm, well I knew someone not so very long ago who got seriously sick after drinking untreated milk straight from the cow and ended up with brucelosis (spelling).
Nov 19, 3:07pm
Pretty bad to keep a cow which is infected with brucellosis.
No farmer would do that knowingly, as he would be the first to get infected, as brucellosis also infects humans, dogs, goats, and pigs and not only through the milk, but through skin contact if you have any breaks in your skin (which most people have on their hands) or by breathing it in.
So any farmer keeping a cow - especially letting her go through the milking shed daily with brucellosis shedding the brucella everywhere will be the first to get infected.
Nov 19, 3:09pm
I suspect this is a marketing ploy in Europe and the states where the choice is intensive indoor dairy herds vs outdoor grass feed dairy.
A bit redundant here when our herds are grass fed at the start however wonder what the difference is towards the end of the season when the herds are fed with palm kernel.
Nov 19, 3:12pm
Could that be an advertorial from the US where dairy cows are force fed with grains and soybeans!
I would never eat meat or drink milk from grain fed cows myself - cows are not really equipped to digest grains properly, they live on cellulose - you can feed them with tree branches and bark (do not try that at home!). So it is actually animal cruelty to feed them such stuff.
In addition the milk will have a high load of Omega6 fatty acids from the grains, and we are already getting far too many of them in our civilized diet.
We are lucky to have only the occasional farmer who thinks he is very forward and feeds rejected cakes and biscuits to his dairy herd - one such individual lives not far from here and thinks he is very clever.
Nov 19, 3:37pm
some people are so naive about milkthe pioneers drank in straight from the cow and they suffered no ill affects.Come on people if you that naive google it up and read
Nov 19, 5:07pm
The pioneers did not have intensive farming either. They had hardly any grass worth mentioning after they chopped and burned the trees . read up on how extensive the farming then was - and how intensive it is now. I am not joking that people feed bread and biscuits to their cows to put up the "yield" (which is how much you can milk off the cows back before she dies - used to be 10 to 15 years with a dairy cow 20 years ago - now down to 5 or 6 years!))
Of course in the pioneers days - roughly 100 years ago - the cows were not so over bred for milk production as they are now (I couldn't keep a Jersey alive here on kikuyu 10 years ago without kilos of extra food every day) - in the pioneers days the cows were leaner, fitter and healthier - and didn't deliver half as much milk as they do now.
A fit and healthy cow does not get sick as easily as an overbred milk making machine (which is what we have now).
So I am not sure who here is naive and not in possession of all the facts!
Nov 19, 5:30pm
It's a pity that evolution has left humans with a vestigial appendix and deprived them of their cellulose digesting bacteria, otherwise all the modern day hunter-gatherers could just go straight to grass and graze, cutting out the cow in the middle.
Nov 19, 5:41pm
Yup we evolved into omnivoles and started eating the cows awesome EH! Vive le Steak.
Nov 19, 6:50pm
I think some of you might be surprized just how many of the cows in NZ are actually grain fed.Sure they go out in the paddocks as well, but the intake of grass by some is very low in comparision to the supplement, and some of the big sheds feed all sorts of things, like carrots and potatoes. I know this because we are a grass only system, and one of the few around here. Some foods can taint the milk, but I'm very doubtful children could pick grain vs grass!! We drink our own milk, we're proud of our product. some shed's I wouldn't drink it straight from the vat though.
Nov 19, 7:23pm
Similar to those trying to live a healthy, vegetarian lifestyle!
I think it not so much a shame as an evolutionary bonus that we gave up being vegetarians and jumped onto the top of the food chain, myself.
It seems more of a shame that people are trying to revert back to something that shrinks brains and which our bigger brained, smarterthan their vegetarian cousins, ancestors left behind many millions of years ago.
Nov 19, 7:42pm
Brucella spp. Legal Status: Notifiable Organism Status in New Zealand: Not in New Zealand Organism: Micro-organism
MAF would be all over the place on flies on shit if that was true.
Nov 19, 7:48pm
Must be talking to the Neo-Neoliths ;)
Nov 19, 7:53pm
uli i work in the dairy industry and test the milk so i know whats going on been involvedmany years
Nov 19, 8:01pm
Our kids HATE winter when they have to drink "shop" milk!
Nov 20, 1:45am
And was there anywhere that I said MAF wasn't involved.Believe me, I used to work with the guy.He stayed at a friend or relatives farm (I forget which now) and went home seriously sick.Had the doc baffled for a while, then tests revealed he had brucellosis.Was quite a surprise to everyone.He was sick for a considerable time.And, no, it wasn't a dairy farm.Just a farm with a house cow from memory.
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