Toaster with egg cooker on side

suzanne39, Nov 6, 2:17am
just seen these at briscos today. Has anyone tried them!

kinna54, Nov 6, 2:59am
My sister has one and luvs it! She cooks a lot of crumpets and bagels, breakfast muffins etc. My son who worked at an appliance store said they sold heaps of them.

nauru, Nov 8, 12:19am
My friend has one, her hubby is an eggaholic and they love it.A quick no fuss breaky for them.They are quite pricey here though as I know she got hers for about $65AUD.

waswoods, Nov 8, 2:30am
I have one and we love it! very easy to make breakfast (or any other snack meal) especially for teenage boys