im going to attempt a pizza oven xmas eve dinner and wondered what goodies you make! i brought a chicken brick and am going to attempt a chicken in it as well as pizza but wanted a few other diff ideas.
Oct 14, 3:00am
Really depends on the style of oven and how big it is.
Mine is homemade and has a proper door and several "stories" - so I can cook on top, bake in the middle and still have a tiny fire going at the bottom. So it is as versatile as a normal household oven.
I usually do pizzas first at about 350 degrees, then some buns while it is still about 250 degrees, then a few loaves of bread and if it is still warm enough after that a small cake. The next morning it usually has cooled down to 50 degrees and if it is autumn then I dry mushrooms in it.
For Christmas you can do any sort of meat really - but try things out first so you know how much of which type of wood will give you how much heat and for how long.
Oct 14, 3:05am
uli,that sounds fabulous,do you have a photo of your oven!
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