I'm wondering if you used the 'spreadable' or 'Lite' cream cheese.That's not recommended because it stays sloppy
Oct 9, 11:59pm
make a cup of very thick white sauce, unsweetened. Stir while it cools to avoid a skin. Add your cream cheese icing to the white sauce 1/4 to start, get the feel of what is happening and add more in Tbsp lots. taste. Maybe a little lemon ess.
Oct 10, 12:04am
thanks all what a nuisance I never had it happen before.I used a block of Philadelphia cream cheese.Some say more icing sugar will thicken it but others say the sugar is there to thin the cream cheese and more will make it thinner but i did note that a lot of recipes have soften butter added too.
Oct 10, 12:56am
The recipe I use has a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of lemon juice to 1/2 packet of Philly and 1 cup of icing sugar.
Oct 10, 3:09am
I've had similar failures with cream cheese icing and whilst I found loading it with icing sugar saved it, itthen lost that distinct cream cheese icing flavour.Every one still eats though :)
Oct 10, 7:41am
I use castor sugar instead of icing sugar. 2/3 cup to 250 of cream cheese. Tastes great and is firm enough to pipe. Recipe is
250g cream cheese 2/3 cup castor sugar Beat till nice and creamy and sugar is dissolved
add 50g soft butter and beat in Add rind and juice of half a lemon. Adjust to taste or you can use vanilla. This is how we ice our carrot cakes at the restaurant I work at. Never fails.
Oct 10, 3:27pm
Next time I know where to look for recipe.In the end I had a little cream cheese left so I incorporated that and it improvedbut not as much as I would have liked.The recipes above look good though.
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