that is the question there are some lovely recipes on the message board and all are so different its cold and horrid so im thinking crockpot
does adding the egg just make it more custardy! i wonder if thats what my nanna put in it to get that golden yellow skin any thoughts appreciated
i am feeding 5 so dont need a heap but a lot seem to differ hugely on how much milk is added also have seen anywhere from 2 cups milk 1 cup rice to 1/2 cup rice 5 cups milk help!
Oct 1, 3:29am
Egg does make a custard texture. Yummy skin on top is formed using full cream milk. Edmonds -2TBSPs rice = 600ml milk. Nice made with Full Cream Evaported Milk stirred in near end of cooking.makes it extra creamy.
Oct 1, 3:57am
No eggs needed.rice, sugar and full milk.sprinkle nutmeg over the top and long and low in the oven.
Oct 1, 4:05am
I make a "rice pudding" in the crock pot which has only rice, milk (grated lemon rind) and a bit of sugar in it (can add raisins 30 minutes before serving if desired). It gets served with cinnamon on top and with some stewed fruit.
If I have "leftover" cooked rice I make a rice "pudding" which has milk, eggs and raisins in it and that gets baked in the oven.
So two very different recipes. One needs eggs to bind - the other doesn't because the freshly cooked rice will make it sticky enough.
Oct 1, 4:47am
I recently made Rice Pudding cake from Mrs Cake's website.I don't like rice pudding but I will eat it as cake.Have a look, it's delicious. (sorry, off topic but I had to mention it)
Oct 1, 4:50am
A good knob of butter, helps with the formation of a lovely golden skin.
Oct 1, 4:51am
You don't need eggs to get the golden skin.My grandmother's method was to mix 2 tab short grained rice, 2 tab sugar and about a litre of whole milk in a baking dish and bake it at about 160 C for about three hours.Stir it every 20 minutes for the first couple of hours then leave it to form the skin.It's still my favourite form of rice pudding, although the custardy ones with egg yolks are pretty good too.
The important thing is to use plenty of milk so that the pudding isn't dry and stodgy.Add more during the cooking process if it is looking dry, and bear in mind that the pudding will thicken up as it cools.
Oct 1, 4:59am
Not. can cause it to curdle.
Oct 1, 5:03am
what does kinna! Have never heard of this.
Oct 1, 4:00pm
Don't use egg. I prefer to add a little cream while cooking to be on the unhealthy side but it tastes good.
Oct 1, 6:55pm
Absolutely no egg.Dot a few knobs of butter on the top before baking.Long slow cooking - absolutely no stirring.And if you can get fresh cows milk you don't need butter - it is absolutely the best way to make it. My mother taught me: Cover the bottom of your dish with a thin layer of shortgrain rice. Cover that with sugar -you should barely be able to see the rice. Fill the dish with milk. I like to cook mine for 3-4 hours at 120.
Oct 1, 10:31pm
no egg
Oct 2, 1:40am
No egg, but I grate nugmeg on top. Short grain rice can be hard to find so I used sushi rice last time.
Mum made one using skim milk once - it wasn't very nice.
Oct 2, 4:51am
You don't need eggs to get the golden skin.My grandmother's method was to mix 2 tab short grained rice, 2 tab sugar and about a litre of whole milk in a baking dish and bake it at about 160 C for about three hours.Stir it every 20 minutes for the first couple of hours then leave it to form the skin.It's still my favourite form of rice pudding, although the custardy ones with egg yolks are pretty good too.
The important thing is to use plenty of milk so that the pudding isn't dry and stodgy.Add more during the cooking process if it is looking dry, and bear in mind that the pudding will thicken up as it cools.
(edited to add) Yes!A big knob of butter was essential.Thanks - I'd forgotten this.
Oct 2, 4:53am
I dont put sugar in until just before serving when I cook it in the crockpot as it caramelises and makes the rice darker. Just the rice milk and butter and it stays nice and white.
Oct 3, 12:27am
he he i dint get a reply till id done it with the egg he he it was nice but the wrong rice so a bit flakey hubby and baby hoovered it so all good arent puddings like that nice on a day like this its horrendous weather today!
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