Non alcoholic Baileys

magenta, Sep 23, 6:08am
My daughter wants to take Nigella's Tiramasu with Bailey's to school for an International foods day.Is there a non alcoholic substitute for Baileys! Or a recipe I could make it with! TIA

buzzy110, Sep 23, 6:37am
At a guess, coffee made with cream.

mystic_g_nome, Sep 23, 8:37am
Coffee made with cream should work pretty well!

floralsun, Sep 24, 2:34am
I'd go with cream with some cocoa, Milo or drinking chocolate powder in for school age children.

vintagekitty, Sep 24, 4:49am
Is it really bad of me to snigger and think Just do it with the Baileys- it'll make the afternoon nicer for the teacher.

evorotorua, Sep 24, 5:02am
How much baileys is called for. If it's a couple of tablespoons, I would think that milk would be fine or cream.

magenta, Sep 24, 5:31am
Thanks for your ideas.I will just put some chocolate in it. Kids will like that and its probable the teacher will not get any anyway!

daleaway, Sep 24, 10:44pm
There is no coffee in real Bailey's.
My Bailey's recipe has cream, condensed milk, chocolate flavouring, a smidge of coconut flavouring, and whisky.