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rainrain1, Sep 18, 7:24pm
How does one work out when reading through threads like this, which one is the idiot and which one is not!

pickles7, Sep 18, 8:14pm
Its are right to put up "idiot" as there was only one.

elliehen, Sep 18, 10:52pm
Idiocy, like Beauty, is in the eye of the beholder :)

neil_di, Sep 18, 11:57pm
What has happened to the friendly and helpful forums that used to know the discussions where people were allowed to share and ask without being shot down by over opinionated and supposedly "right".what is right for one may not be for another .so be it!SADLY what was once a friendly forum is now quite supercilious and vitriolic and it saddens me because it does put people off contributing for fear of scornful responses(not me though) .I just read ,in utter amazement and very seldom write anymore simply because of what has happened in this thread. Come on happy recipe you want to friendly and respectful of others or do you want be "RIGHT".

uli, Sep 19, 12:38am
neil_di I for one want to name the recipes for what they are.

So if I am searching for "aioli" - then I would love to find recipes for that. And not recipes that have nothing whatsoever to do with "aioli" - which is what poster1 offered.

So this has nothing to do with "who is right" - but simply naming recipes what they are.

For example I have seen recipes here and on the web for "sauerkraut" which use vinegar and sugar to "pickle" the cabbage. Well - that is NOT sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is fermented.

And that is all I am saying: if you call something aioli or sauerkraut or whatever then please do give an authentic recipe - there is still quite a bit of variation anyway (just look at pizzas from northern Italy and those from Sicily for example).

. and then there are some other concoctions which are also called "pizza" in this country . but I won't go there. For me "pizza" is what I ate in Italy - from the north to the south - everything else is a "make-believe" and could be called "American Pie" or "NZ fridge clean out on a quick scone dough" - or whatever you fancy calling it.

uli, Sep 19, 12:38am
Now I would like to know neil_di what is unhelpful when someone points out that a recipe is not actually what the poster says it is!

And why is that making the one pointing it out unfriendly and unhelpful!

Personally I would be chuffed if someone said that a recipe is not really anything like the one they ate in the home country of the recipe - and even gave a better version of it.

cookessentials, Sep 19, 12:45am
Very well said, thank you.

eastie3, Sep 19, 12:57am
Love it

elliehen, Sep 19, 1:10am
I'm off to make a Kookoo for lunch - after a fridge clean-out ;)

neil_di, Sep 19, 4:27am
Of for goodness sakes Uli.did I touch a nerve.What I was saying was that we are all different and I most certainly do believe that some posters do have to be right when in actual fact everyone has a brain and if you do a search for something and it doesn't quite meet the correct definition.move on.give us the benefit that we can not our thing .or.that looks interesting! !We dont need a lecture and while we are on lectures I will say that my long career in the health sector was very involved in nutrition anddietary advice so I, like you ,have some very firm opinions but I make a concentrated effort not to push my passions on to others and having posted on this forum for many years(under a different user name.too lazy to change from hubbie's ) there is a not particularly pleasant tone to Recipes these days.a fair observation methinks!

sue1955, Sep 19, 4:48am
Well said. Thankyou.

buzzy110, Sep 19, 5:03am
Not a fair observation as one can assume you are pointing the bone only in one direction.

So do we take it that so long as the discussion only covers ideas that you personally approve of it is OK but when others present their opinions and their versions of a recipe that you do not like, it becomes a lecture!

And if you carefully read the early posts, the people you are castigating had not offered any opinion and yet there were doubts about the recipe actually being aioli.

One more observation, if I may. Please point out any other thread that has resorted to "lecturing" as you call it. All the posters you are singling out are busy being helpful to other posters in other threads and no sign of lecturing or nastiness is going on.

If you don't like this thread, stay away. Simple. All the rest will suit you just fine.

Now, as for the lectures, please point out any thread in here in the last year that has lectured. There certainly was a thread in here devoted to "lecturing" as you call it, but it was confined to that thread and while you may not have liked it, many people had their eyes opened because of that thread.

neil_di, Sep 19, 6:03am
Well that drew the expected response.a perfect illustration of what I was referring to!What superior power gives you the right to TELL me to stay away from a do not like what I say!Your bullying tactics do not intimidate ME!Your childish tantrums impress very few.I have always been reluctant to be judgmental and point the finger at anyone because I know I always have 3 fingers pointing back at me! and when people attack like you have attackedme it's an indication of unresolved conflicts within themselves so be gentle with yourself

sossie1, Sep 19, 6:11am
Bloody hell, this was all about mayonnaise!

mayonnaise, you know, mayonnaise! made with eggs, that come out of a chickens bum!

buzzy110, Sep 19, 6:15am
I point out a few inconsistencies in your post and you go ballistic. Chill petal and stop lecturing.

uli, Sep 19, 6:23am
Hehe - that is what I thought - but NO! It says: "Equal parts mayo and greek yogurt" - which is NOT aioli - as much as anyone here is saying we can call anything aioli at all - at least that is what I have read here so far .

And the interesting bit is: I said at the start that that sauce (whatever you'd like to call it) is something I do myself and use a lot - but it is not aioli . sorry to point out :)

elliehen, Sep 19, 6:26am
Crouch, touch, pause, ENGAGE!

uli, Sep 19, 6:28am
Rugby scrum!

hezwez, Sep 19, 6:29am
Oh give it a rest uli, harangueing (toespreken) posters and then pretending to be sorry!

uli, Sep 19, 6:33am
Oh no - I am not pretending to be sorry - I am not sorry at all to be pointing out that a mix of mayo and greek yoghurt is not aioli.

Simple really - not quite sure why this is pushing everyones buttons!

It is a nice sauce which I make myself - but it is not aioli.
What is so difficult to understand about that!

sossie1, Sep 19, 6:34am
I know dear, and you can only eat pizza in italy.

buzzy110, Sep 19, 6:34am
Nothing will satisfy this paranoid bunch. They have been riled up and no amount of logic will appease them. They are out for blood and will have it, no matter what. All I did was recommend a nice yoghurt to use. Just no reasoning with people when they are in the grip of an angry pack mentality over nothing at all.

If they went back and read the first posts, right up to the point when cooks got involved, they'd see that it was basically a pleasant discussion about the sauce and aioli.

buzzy110, Sep 19, 6:39am
Chill petal. Let reason enter into the mist of anger that you are feeling. Go back and read the first few posts and understand that there is no reason for your anger.

sossie1, Sep 19, 6:43am

Except I call it cheesy flat bread with an eggy thing on the top.
Just so i can't be sued by the Italians.

rosewildvinyl, Sep 19, 7:05am
Maybe you should read your own posts from any thread & understand why to some you don't come across as arespected recipes poster!
I'm not angry but I haven't forgotten how you attacked me over a well meant comment & it reassures me to see others have had similar experiences.
Superiority & condescension don't belong in a forum where most people are here to help.