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pickles7, Sep 19, 7:45am
In a, nut shell.buzzy110.then the pack, smelt, blood.
I for one couldn't give a hoot about naming recipe's, as you , uli, davidt4, have pointed out to me, on many occasions, and no doubt will again one day. I will say, I couldn't give a toss. I read you posts, and move on, most of the time.

uli, Sep 19, 8:27am
I was just today given a new kumara cookbook - all $14 of it didn't produce 1 recipe I would cook . BUT it had a kumara pizza in it too - you might want to buy it for that alone :)

elliehen, Sep 19, 8:58am
pickles, your famous home-made Worcestershire Sauce will always be Worcestershire Sauce, no matter how many purse-lipped people want the name to stay attached to the dear departed Messrs Lea & Perrins ;)

pickles7, Sep 19, 9:09am
The dear departed Messrs Lea & Perrins , would not recognize the pitiful sauce they are producing these day's, as "Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce".not.
I tell you, The last lot I made is well up with the old "Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce".

elliehen, Sep 19, 9:34am
Wise words I saved from another time, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

rainrain1, Sep 19, 7:03pm

hezwez, Sep 19, 8:26pm
I hope your benefactor doesn't follow the message board to learn that he/she had wasted the gift on an ingrate.

sossie1, Sep 19, 8:27pm
I am epically failing trying to be funny here

sossie1, Sep 19, 8:28pm
please recognise sarcastic and ironic posts

elliehen, Sep 19, 9:24pm
Is that the new name for that Other Site, the Dark Side!

cookessentials, Sep 19, 9:47pm
“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others.”

uli, Sep 20, 12:48am
Whom were you quoting there !
Sounds exceedingly silly to me.

".how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others.”
Pretty high fetched isn't it!

Especially "the rights" (is that legally!) - and "the well being of others" . pretty high stakes there too - how do you know what you say IS good (or not) for others!

Or are you trying to say agreeing with everything and anything is GOOD for the other person!

I have several very personal and very painful examples of quite the opposite in my family - where everyone was soothing and saying "yes" - until the bitter end - the persons involved never got any other opinion - so never had the opportunity to change either until they died. Very very sad .

Or are you basically trying to say "you do not say anything if it "is not nice"" - the old English "thing"!
Never mind you might be spreading lies by doing so or confusion ect (just coming back to the issue at handwhich was a misleading recipe of "aioli") .

cookessentials, Sep 20, 1:41am
The Annihilator — When threatened an annihilator will counter-attack, blame, punish, bring others down. If accused of wrongdoing, the annihilator will claim that he/she has done no wrong, and that others are absolutely at fault. Annihilators are “right” and, therefore, see themselves as justified in any reprisal or actions that they may take. Other people may feel fearful or threatened when interacting with an annihilator.

davidt4, Sep 20, 1:51am
Here's another little quote from the same little website:

"the person who can sometimes react as an annihilator, when they are grounded, brings leadership, courage, willingness to speak the truth, advocacy, challenge, etc. to a group. "

sossie1, Sep 20, 1:53am
you missed out not being able to recognise sarcasm, gawd who gives a flying . if the op put some yoghurt in her aioli!

sossie1, Sep 20, 1:55am
yeah, OP, how DARE you mislead and lie to us about mayonnaise! i hope your house falls down becasue you put yoggit in your sauce!i mean, what a cheek, daring to say "aioli",

cookessentials, Sep 20, 1:55am
There is challenging and then there is utter rudeness.there isa vast difference.

holly-rocks, Sep 20, 3:42am
So many keyboard warriors on this thread. Don't sweat the small stuff (its just AIOLI)big lols!

buzzy110, Sep 20, 4:51am
Give it a rest. You are talking as much about yourself as you are trying to put others down.

elliehen, Sep 20, 6:09am
Time to remember what this thread is all about - a new poster's excitement about 'THE MOST AMAZING AIOLI EVER' that she created and wishes to share.

elliehen, Sep 20, 10:58am
"Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent."
Roman (Greek-born) slave & Stoic philosopher (55 AD - 135 AD)

pickles7, Sep 20, 8:35pm
People who resort to calling others, nasty "names" are often suffering from a, Narcissistic personality disorder. In your case it may be stress related, due to an underlying illness.
It dose not matter what another persons point of view is, take it on board or don't.

fisher, Sep 21, 4:26am
Wish the purists would STFU and let us experimenters get on with making tasty new dishes . or not sometimes :}Why does it bother you so much.!who gives a shite if our pizza has a multitude of stuff on top and it's the way we like it here in NZ. prob never get to Italy to try the "AUTHENTIC" anyways. and its what we are used to.!
If it suits your family needs and is tasty and fills the gap. that's what matters.
Ya just gotta hate it when oyster folk say they HAVEto be eaten AU NATURAL .hell,I like em battered and deep fried best.
Ya have to simply let folks be themselves and what suits them. simply suits them.Just chuck ya recipe up and let them choose what they like.
and your allowed to call it what you want in their household.:}}}
Why be an (o) and pick it to pieces.!Let them be proud of their achievements.

davidt4, Sep 21, 4:35am
Fisher, I had no idea that your horizons were so limited!

fisher, Sep 21, 4:39am
sue me.!I think Uli's horizons are limited in the "basic' authentic PIZZA she espouses and tried in Italy.sure they use the "basic" ingredients but they add a myriad of other ingredients just as we do in NZ.check it out. obviously Uli only tried the basics when she lived there.