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uli, Sep 21, 10:39pm
That is right - it is utter rudeness to quote stuff with no source given (even after I asked where it came from) - and then go all childish when it is revealed there is a bit more in that quote which you didn't even re-produce.

Cooks - sorry to say but you are being more than hypocritical on these boards ever since I remember you coming on. So give it a rest now. And of course lets all go back to the aioli - any other "most amazing" recipes out there that we are all not aware of!

uli, Sep 21, 10:41pm
Ah - you do know better than that fisher!

donnabeth, Sep 21, 10:56pm
Dare I ask how home made mayonnaise should taste! My mother used to make home made mayonnaise(exactly as recommended here) and it tasted foul.i hate the flavour of the oil coming through.
I like the mild flavour and versatility of Best Foods 'Real Mayonnaise'(not the lite version either). It is expensive, but other brands I have tried are either too sweet or have a very oily flavour. I add lots of extras like Greek yoghurt, gherkins, capers, garlic to make salad dressings and dips.

buzzy110, Sep 21, 11:03pm
Made properly there should be no "taste of oil" coming through anything. Mine has a more sharp, lemony flavour. The sorts of oils used can affect the final taste of the dressing. We have no idea, unless you tell us, what sort of oil your mother used. The dressing should have exactly the same consistency as the Real mayonnaise you purchase, but may vary in colour depending on the oil used.

For what it is worth, I think that out of all the commercially bought salad cream dressings, Real is the absolute best and good on you for preferring it. I take a bottle away when we go camping every year, just in case, but usually I don't use it and give it away, because a diet of green salads and fresh seafood doesn't lend itself to mayonnaise imo. I much rather french dressing or just plain lemon juice.

davidt4, Sep 22, 12:21am
It will taste strongly of the oil, the flavour of which seems to be accentuated in mayo, so it is important to use a very good quality extra virgin olive oil.I usually use one of the Village Press varietals or other NZ or Australian ones because they are fresher than the European oils.

Perhaps your mother used an oil that was less than top quality.

beaker59, Sep 22, 12:48am
I use canola oil and find that to be very much like the Real brand stuff which I also used to use before I discovered how easy it is to make from scratch. I use whole egg in mine too which is milder tasting I think my recipe is 2 eggs into the blender with a dash of salt turn it on and pour in oil until it looks right then add lemon juice until it tastes right.

elliehen, Sep 22, 12:50am
Yes, I find canola to be a very mild, inexpensive all-purpose oil for the kitchen.

buzzy110, Sep 22, 1:04am
Thanks for the whole egg tip beaker. For years I have had to use two egg yolks if I wanted to use an electric device (held held mixer, hand held blender, blender, small food processor) to make it. Now I can just use the one and not have to make so much or start out using a whisk which I am not a fan of at the best of times.

donnabeth, Sep 22, 11:04pm
Thank you; I'm going to give it a go with the whole eggs. My family aren't too keen on trying the home made mayonnaise, but were looking forward to the pavlova I would have to make with the leftover whites.

I dare say my mother used less than perfect oil. In NZ 40 odd years ago things we take for granted today were considered exotic (or worse 'foreign') and very expensive for an experimental cook with a large family.

buzzy110, Sep 22, 11:23pm
Yes I remember that too. One day my father brought home a large tin of, what must have been, looking back, cold pressed olive oil. My mother immediately set to, deep frying something or other and the stench through the house was hideous and it was never brought into our house again. Everyone now knows that cold pressed olive oil is definitely NOT to be used for deep frying at high temperatures. Ha Ha. It is so funny in retrospect.