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randomized, Sep 16, 5:06am
The behavior kinda reminds me of high-school.
One group vs another group

.One group does something, so therefore the other group has to respond and thus it cycles over and over.

If you have something to say then say it in relevance to the thread/ topic at hand, but if it's only to be hurtful or just because you have to have the last word.

Please refrain from typing and posting the message at all.

Apologies that your thread has been hi-jacked, Korie.

buzzy110, Sep 16, 5:19am
I agree entirely. These boards are exactly like the school ground. I often try to ignore the sour notes of the ladies who are most vociferous in their personal attacks but sometimes even I cannot be an angel all the time. But your post does remind me that I should keep on trying. It is just a pity that there is one lady on here who, backed up by her gang of fawning wannabes, sallies forth to pour insults, innuendo and general misogyny onto others whom she has deemed to be the outcasts. But I will try harder.

pickles7, Sep 16, 5:37am
lol . looking up, "fawning wannabes".

buzzy110, Sep 16, 5:40am
Funny how you call everyone else childish when your own sour, humourless postings are the cause for many unnecessary arguments in threads. Lets review the evidence shall we:

Post24 was the start then 32,followed up by 36, 37, (lol, I love the “How rude” fall back line. Even your friends use it now) and 50. Then we got the veiled sales pitch - # 56 followed by an attempt to absolve herself from all her veiled innudnedos – i.e. “The only posters that pulled it to bits are the usual ones who just cannot help themselves. I why is it always the same few who behave this way!”, and the grand finale of #78.

And all these posts, descending into outright war, were to blame, only 3 or 4 posters for giving other ways for making aioli or for recommending a good yoghurt or 3 to make the original recipe with. The other posters who pointed out that the recipe bore absolutely no resemblance to aioli were not included in your vendetta I see.

Then of course we have the completely irrelevant poster, putting up tosh and crap she has googled from the net for no apparent reason whilst carrying out a game of grudge with another poster.

It IS all so childish. And we are entitled to defend ourselves from your insidious and continual attacks upon us. Korie is well able to look after herself as witnessed by her descent into foul language when, after reading all YOUR posts, she decided she was being hard done by. If she comes back I hope she can restrain her language, as per TM rules.

elliehen, Sep 16, 6:58am
How about a sweet, humorous posting from the wannabe angel!

pickles7, Sep 16, 7:06am
what a killer. lol.

uli, Sep 16, 8:58am
Only about another version of "aioli" or similar of course .

cookessentials, Sep 16, 9:06am
Oh, buzzy is thisthe "apparent" "sales pitch"! you are one very silly woman and you can make up what ever you like as you go along ( as you often do) you CAN buy these wee things, however, I dont sell you are more than wrong there LOL.

morticia, Sep 16, 9:12am
How unusual, another unwarranted crapfest brought on by the recipe purists having to inject their bickering and recipe snobbery into a harmless thread about something akin enough to aoili for the OP to refer to it as such.

Funnily enough, most people don't care about the authenticity (or otherwise) of a recipe, only whether they like it or not.

beaker59, Sep 16, 10:29pm
You are all Nuts, mmmmmmmmm nut Aioli maybe theres an idea EH!

mazzy1, Sep 16, 11:36pm
oh hahahahahahahah - that's the best laugh I've had in ages. And all over a recipe for aioli. You lot make Colonel Gadaffi look like Mother Teresa! Really, children. You should all get to your respective naughty corners and calm down.

elliehen, Sep 17, 5:46am
Or come over to Books :)

Bookie people don't squabble.They can even read the same book,disagree intelligently about its merits and then move on to the next good read.

mazzy1, one of these silly season threads pops up every few months, almost always in response to a new poster getting excited about a recipe said by those-who-must-be-obeyed to be 'not authentic'.or worse, from a packet!

uli, Sep 17, 6:49am
Oh morticia - how are you!
I haven't seen you for many years on here - maybe because you are a "lost" hog now :)

rosewildvinyl, Sep 17, 7:15am
How right are you!
I quit posting in recipes because I got shot down by the one who has to impress with her condescending attitude & assumes that no one else has the same $$$$ lifestyle & puts people down with her superior knowledge of how we should eat & how many places she has sampled the REAL cuisine & the other import whoknocks the NZ way of life & says first catch your cow to get the milk to make the yoghurt!
There is a middle ground but those posters want it their way or no way.

rosewildvinyl, Sep 17, 7:31am
Thank you for your response, I believe that you have proven my point.
Perhaps you would tell me, if you eat so well & so healthy, why are you such a miserable*****!

chip8, Sep 17, 9:24am
Now, That's a real good question.

randomized, Sep 17, 12:07pm
-reads thread-


-shakes head and exits thread-

esther-anne, Sep 17, 9:03pm
Hilariously appropriate that some are getting their just desserts in the recipe thread!

lyl_guy, Sep 17, 9:39pm
I REALLY shouldn't say this. but a couple of the effects of carb depletion are irritablility and tunnel vision.Sorry, but it's a medical fact.

hestia, Sep 17, 10:59pm
Well done Korie - 100 replies to your thread!

elliehen, Sep 17, 11:13pm
This thread will go down in the an[n]als of Recipes thread history ;)

esther-anne, Sep 18, 12:04am
beautifully expressed ellie

uli, Sep 18, 8:11am
Very short annals now - if I remember correctly 45 days!

pickles7, Sep 18, 8:44am
not at this rate, uli. won't be that short, if you keep bumping it up like that.

elliehen, Sep 18, 11:45am
Not correct.That's just for General, Opinion etc

Threads in Recipes remain for one year.That means that for the next twelve months - at least - when anyone searches for Aioli, this thread will be right near the top of the search results and the idiocy of some posters will be exposed all over again.

I can live with my posts - I hope you can ;)