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davidt4, Sep 13, 9:22am
Good on you sultana0.Next time try the Spanish variation: quince alioli ( if you are looking it up remember that AIOLI is French, ALIOLI is Spanish.

korie, Sep 13, 9:19pm
Mmmm yumyumyum. ginger makes anything amazing!

And good news to all the complainers, I believe I have devised a solution!

Instead of the obviously upsetting name of "aioli", how about "That Whitish Aioli-y Thing".we can call it TWAT for short!Or you can just lighten the F up.Tomayto Tomarto.

.I totally crack myself up :D

deerhunter1962, Sep 14, 10:46am
well i for one tried a already brought one from the supermarket i did not think much of the taste as it was my first time tying it, but i guess it depends on the brand, i have seen it been made on the food channel and throught theres got to be better tasting of this stuff out there, and it looked nice how he made it, so when i saw this thread i throught ill have a look, and when i saw garlic well my face had a huge grin, I love garlic i eat it baked from the oven, so i will try this simple easy recipe, as somtimes our lifes can getvery busy, so thank you korie i cannot wait to try this recipe,

cookessentials, Sep 14, 6:55pm
I love garlic too and oven roasted is so tasty and quite sweet, nothing like one would expect. You can buy the mini terracotta garlic roasters which do a great job.

uli, Sep 15, 6:16am
I have no idea what "the Boliche" is ellie - neither have I got any idea what you mean with "your" Low Carb cooking website.
That website is "owned" by Jo and I think that Bedazz is a sidekick to it - and all that has nothing at all to do with me .being a member is not the same as "your website" in my books.

uli, Sep 15, 6:16am
From cooks - no doubt :)

buzzy110, Sep 15, 6:34am
No one was complaining korie and the use of foul language has just really made you appear common.

Everyone was happy with your recipe. No one disputed that the recipe was yummy. No one complained about your recipe. I was abused by cooks for recommending a decent yoghurt to make your recipe. The only beef anyone had was in the naming of the recipe. I agree with what davidt4 said about names of foods and the misunderstanding that can occur for people with food intolerance or who are on special diets diabetics, for example.

It would be great if people coined original names for original food inventions, such as yours.

antoniab, Sep 15, 6:41am
Have you tried Clearwaters brand - their cream top yoghurt is amazing! Totally natural and organic too :)

pickles7, Sep 15, 9:15am
lol . memories.
The ingredients are right up front, if they don't suit you then leave well alone. It really is, that simple.

If anyone thinks, a "chef" would come in here looking for recipes, you truly are, nuts.
When I cook for friends , I ask if anyone has, any food allergies.

elliehen, Sep 15, 9:27am
Just looking for a consistent point of view from you, uli.

If you object to korie's recipe being called 'Aioli', then there are many recipes on the low carb cooking site (where you often appear as a moderator) - like this latest 'Boliche' - which are equally 'inauthentic'.

Just keeping you honest ;)

elliehen, Sep 15, 9:43am
I'll start.what about 'Aiuli'!

randomized, Sep 15, 10:23am
Know what's better than Aoli!!

A creamy horseradish dressing, oh my god NOM!

Know what's better than a creamy horseradish dressing!!

A combination of the two!

It's like heaven.

vintagekitty, Sep 15, 11:20am
nothing changes in this forum, it's like groundhog day

elliehen, Sep 15, 11:59am
The trouble is those two pesky groundhogs will keep poking their noses out of their burrows ;)

cookessentials, Sep 15, 6:34pm
no, but maybe you can give a link!

cookessentials, Sep 15, 6:45pm
Not quite sure what planet you are on after typing that post!.nowhere here have you been "abused" by have a very vivid imagination. A number of posters here pulled the OP recipe apart on whether it was "proper" or whether it was spelt correctly and even the type of ingredients used. As for people with food intolerances .do you think they cant READ! it seems to be a common thread with a number of posters, including you, that you get your jollies out of either pulling someones recipe to shreds, pull them apart for their spelling of different words, pull people apart for helping others, ridicule other posters for what they choose to eat and the list goes on and on and on. It is more than tiresome and I am not quite sure why you few seem to delight in it so much. How someone chooses to cook, eat or live, quite frankly is their business and their business only.not quite sure who died and made the few of you God. If you take such delight on whether we use flour, white sugar, condensed milk or any other product you all deem so "evil" why on earth do you bother coming in here! is it that you like to just try and show your superiority! do you think its funny! well, I dont and a number of us dont. You find me the post where I "abused" you.for the most part, I prefer to ignore you, just as you would ignore a naughty child.

davidt4, Sep 15, 9:24pm
I'm intrigued by this dish called Boliche.I'm not familiar with it at all, I haven't seen the low-carb recipe and I know little about Cuban food.It seems to be some sort of pot roast, which would be low carb anyway, but perhaps someone can give us an authentic recipe.

zambesi2, Sep 15, 10:18pm
I am honestly over whelmed by all the negative postings from a lot of people in this thread!Clearly the original poster was just wanting to share her amazing aoili, and now it's become so analytical from all the 'experts' out there.If you don't like the sound of it just move on.This is precisley why a lot o people (myself included) don't bother posting on the majority of these threads!

nfh1, Sep 15, 10:22pm
Some people get pleasure from putting people down - you just have to wonder what is missing from their lives that they feel such a need to do that.Sad really.

vintagekitty, Sep 15, 10:33pm
lol, its always the same old tarts. You have to wonder what makes them so bitter - maybe a spoon of sugar needed!. But yeah, its not fun and a waste of time really.

elliehen, Sep 15, 10:38pm
korie, thanks :)

Please don't let this first-ever experience on Recipes put you off coming back!


vintagekitty, Sep 15, 10:40pm
yeah, what ellie said!

buzzy110, Sep 16, 4:12am
I take it your are referring to yourself and cooks.

buzzy110, Sep 16, 4:18am
cooks it seems to have escaped your attention but you often seem to get your jollies by pulling me and others of similar ilk apart for caring and having a different perspective to you.

When it comes to reading, I have been to many events and gatherings where food is place on the table, including catered functions, where there is nothing to read. Ask the bringer or maker of the dish what is in it and if they say aioli, then a knowledgeable person (as anyone with food allergies has to be) might be forgiven for assuming that is exactly what was in it.

You did indeed begin, very early on, to make snidey, veiled remarks, which is becoming your forte. Are you peeved because we have stopped you from using these boards as your own personal marketplace, where you can cynically sell all sorts of toxic and/or expensive articles to trusting posters in here!

As to the rest of your JOLLY rant. Well I just cannot be bothered to read it.

cookessentials, Sep 16, 4:35am
Yes, that is such a shame.many people are put off and it is usually the same 3-4 posters that have this awful habit. One only needs to look at the post above to get the gist of what we mean.simply childish, but surprising!.NEVER.