any one got a recepie they can fling at me! Im sure my mum uses jelly crsytals but Im goggling cant see one that uses them
Aug 18, 3:50am
Are you meaning a cake!or slice!
Try the SEARCH function Message Board <<<<<< Recipes Keyword:Marshamallow Date posted:Last year
that should bring up heaps of recipes
Good Luck
Aug 18, 3:54am
thankyou ;)
Aug 18, 4:56am
Edmonds has the Jelly crystal topping. Probably to late now. Will post if you want it.
Aug 18, 5:24am
Marshmallow Shortcake
125g butter, 125g sugar, 1/2tsp vanilla essence, 1 egg, 225g flour, 1tsp baking powder. cream butter & sugar, add essence,add egg, then sifted dry ingred. Roll out to about 12mm thick. Place on cold tray bake 30mins at 180.
Jelly Marshmallow topping
1 pkt jelly soak in 1 1/2C water for 10 mins then boil for 8 mins. When cool add 1C icing sugar & beat till thick & stiff. Spread on cold base. Sprinkle with coconut or ice.
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